What year did you move out? How old were you? And what was your financial situation like?

  1. I was 18. I moved out for university. I qualified for maximum student loan and bursary so got about £12k/year and I had £1k saved from my summer job. I also worked throughout university and usually made £2k – £4k/year through part-time work. In terms of how far that went, it was ok but tight as I was living in London. Rent usually cost about £7k/year alone. I ate a lot of lentils, pasta and rice…

  2. I moved out at 18 for college back in 2019. My financial situation was pretty solid. I had some money saved up(about $4K) and college was fully paid for thanks to scholarships and grants. Signed my first NIL deal sophomore year so that meant more money in my pocket.

  3. It was 2006 and I just turned 19, got pregnant, and dropped out of college. I made $10.75 an hour and my boyfriend (now husband) made like $15.00. We made just barely over the threshold and couldn’t qualify for any public assistance. We lived paycheck to paycheck for quite a while. Vehicle repairs or any out of the ordinary expenses felt earth shattering. With some patience and a lot of hard work we are, thankfully, in a much better financial situation today.

  4. I was 18 and it was 2001. I made almost $6/hour until minimum wage went up to $7.25 in 2009. I was a CNA and living with a man I would marry, but we didn’t love each other. We just didn’t know better.

    Our rent on a shitty tiny trailer in rural Alabama was about $250, but we didn’t make enough for any luxuries or even a stocked pantry. I remember not being able to pay rent sometimes.

    It seems like I’ve always struggled. Always had to. My parents helped when they could but they could barely keep their own shit together.

    Life has gotten better but it’s taken so much to get here. And there’s so far left to go.

  5. I joined the military at 18 in 2001 and honestly it worked out pretty great for me, but I don’t recommend it anymore.

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