Birthday, anniversary and others – how much is it important for you, that your spouse remembers when it is?

  1. Not very important, so long as they make me feel special every other day of the year, we’re good.

  2. Birthdays and special days are very important to me, they have always been in our family growing up.

    Before I have distanced myself from people who consistently forget them, so I think that answers it!

  3. Very important. I grew up with my family always making us feel special on our birthday. In the same way, I love celebrating our anniversary and V-Day. Although V-Day I prefer not to go out to a restaurant but rather a special date night in. We agreed on our anniversary being a vacation.

  4. I think it is very important for your partner to remember it. It is fine if you do not want to celebrate it or have an expensive dinner. These small things matter a lot in relationship.

  5. Birthdays are important, but I have never remembered an anniversary and do not expect anyone else to either.

  6. Birthday is most important to me because well it was the day I was born, and my family didn’t want me so, having my spouse give me attention during this day will bring me out of the gunk that sometimes swallows my heart.

  7. My partner does not have an opportunity to forget. Six months before I’m going “What should I do for my birthday?” “What do you want to to for our anniversary?” and it’s marked on our shared calendar in all caps with exclamation points and a dinner reservation lol. But given all that I’d be annoyed if he somehow forgot.

  8. I like it when a person remembers, thinks and surprises me. Besides, we can always talk about the approaching birthday, make plans together. If I care about getting attention in the form of time spent with me and gifts, I think it’s important to say this: a person can’t know what’s in my head. Just like you can’t know what’s in their heads

  9. It takes so little effort to remember a couple of dates. I do it for them so I expect the same level of consideration.

  10. I want a kiss and a “happy birthday” on my birthday, but besides that I don’t expect him to remember any other date.

    (This year I was the first to remember our anniversary… a couple of days later)

  11. Anniversary is on the Google calendar so neither of us forget. I don’t care about my birthday so it’s whatever.

  12. Very important. I would not feel like I was on the same page with someone about the seriousness of our relationship if they didn’t remember basic things like this, especially since it’s so easy to input those things into your calendar so you don’t even have to remember them.

  13. They are very important and becoming increasingly more so as I lose my most precious family members…happy moments and sweet people should be celebrated while they’re here!

  14. We don’t really do other holidays aside from our birthdays and our wedding anniversary.

    My parents never celebrated their anniversary and I always thought that was sad. The year I graduated from high school was their 25th anniversary and I thought it would be great to have a party for them. They genuinely did not know it was their 25th anniversary…after that, they did always get each other cards and acknowledge it. But I always hoped that if I did marry, my spouse would be an anniversary person…and he is.

  15. I think they’re important, my boyfriend is forgetful but he always tried his hardest and that’s what’s important to me. I’m not a go big or go home person so a simple “happy birthday” or just spending time together (if possible) on our anniversary/a birthday is more than enough for me

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