Wondering about the positives from a man’s perspective đź‘€

  1. The same things I liked about the relationship before the marriage. Only now with social survivability in the bible belt, the ability to put her on my insurance and some tax perks.

  2. Double income, 2 people to schedule raising kids and distribute usual duties/chores and the reliability(one can’t really back out of marriage as easily as from a relationship)

  3. Marriage in and of itself, nothing really. Perhaps except for whatever advantages you get related to Law.

    Everything else, you can have without a marriage and still be in an amazing relationship.


    double income


    trusting partner

    etc. etc.

    Virtually all values you can get just out of being good ppl in a healthy relationship.

  4. Wearing a ring and people no longer asking when we’re getting married are the main perks. Otherwise it didn’t really change anything except that I’d refer to her as my wife instead of my girlfriend. The wedding was a good time.

  5. The stability of it. Ive been with my wife for long enough I know what makes her mood change and can accommodate it accordingly. Also the random nudity.

  6. Constant companionship, stability, we both knew who we were coming home to at night. 2 parent family. It’s generally better for the kids. Not always but generally. Having a partner who I could rely on.

  7. stability and some stuff your partner willing to do only when you’re married. dont think my wife will agree to make our own porn if we’re not married

  8. Divorced, but from what I remember:

    1. Having a partner. In a good marriage (IMO), you work as a team to handle what life throws at you. Knowing someone has your back is amazing.
    2. Being done with dating. Being married or in a long-term relationship for me basically flipped a switch in my brain. I loved not having to deal with the early stages of dating, asking myself if I am interested in someone, or being paranoid about my interactions with the opposite sex, because from my perspective I was done with all that useless mental noise. My wife was my wife, end of story.

  9. My wife grew up in a traditional family. She cooks and cleans, takes care of the grandkids when they’re with us. She has a lot of friends and volunteers at various places. When we were younger, we had a lot of sex, but now that we’re older, we don’t as much. We still love each other, it’s not that. It’s just the desire is low.

  10. Companionship. Living with a hot best friend. Having someone I can talk to about anything. Committed relationship. Having Someone I can completely let my guard down with and not feel “exposed” or judged. I was happy single but it amazes me how much happier I am as a married man.

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