I’m 34F, I’ve bought and been bought flowers mostly by and for other women, for bereavement, illness, thanks, congratulations, leaving a job, etc. But I’ve never been bought flowers romantically. Is this unusual or is it becoming less of a thing?

  1. Hard to say as I rarely to never speak to friends on the subject but I still buy flowers for my wife of 8 years (together 14 years) flowers at least every 1.5 to 2 months I would say.

  2. Not as common as it used to be probably, but I still do it.

    Sometimes I buy my partner flowers “just because”.

  3. I used to do flower sales (albeit 10 years ago). Very popular at Valentines Day but otherwise the other occasions did seem to quite strongly outnumber ‘romantic’ sales.

  4. I feel there was a point where it was just a defacto gift to give. As things have become less stereotypical I think gifts have branched out. I *tend* to buy my wife other things now. Clothes aren’t as common. There’s always been the joke of “buying flowers, must’ve done something wrong”. It’s not a deal breaker but I think it helps tip other things in favour.

    Money is tight at the moments too. My wife likes flowers but not so much that she wouldn’t like other things she needs.

  5. I do it once in a while, but it’s pretty retarded. I’d rater just buy a steak that she can cook for me.

  6. I think it’s got the stigma of ‘apologising for something’ too much tbh. Me and an ex always had fresh flowers on the table but almost everytime I was in the supermarket picking them up I’d get a comment like that.

  7. Not sure but I think it’s a recent generational decline. I (33M) never had a girlfriend my own age or younger who cared or showed an interest in flowers..but my current (39F) Mrs gets super annoyed if I don’t do flowers for the big dates valentine’s, anniversary etc… Same with greetings cards, have to make an absolute effort with them now, the Tesco value won’t do, and it must have a heartfelt handwritten message. Not sure if it’s the.case for everyone around that age, but from my single example I’m convinced xD

  8. Not a lot of romantic flowers exchanged in this house but a fair amount of romantic donuts.

  9. It’s not common, but I’ve had them for Valentines, or – very occasionally – a first date!

  10. I’m 46 and someone bought me flowers romantically for the first time. the flowers lasted longer than the relationship.

    Cut flowers are just a plant killed.

    A living plant is a responsibility.

    Give me a kiss, make me laugh or remember something I’ve said. I’ll value that much more than a dying flower

  11. If you’ve never bought flowers for your wife or girlfriend, give it a try. You will never get a better response for a 10 or 20 quid outlay.

  12. Less of a thing, people don’t care about being romantic, they just want sex and hookups. Girls don’t want flowers now, they want money. We live in a hyper sexual society that is killing the idea of love

  13. My partner buys me flowers.:..sometimes “just because” and other times because I’m struggling. I appreciate that he does it….and I never know when so it’s always a lovely surprise

  14. I’ve been married over 30 years and I randomly buy my wife flowers probably 2-3 times a year just because I want to and she loves them.

    I refuse to do it on commercial occasions such as valentines, it’s just when the moment grabs me which makes it all the more special.

  15. My partner has bought me flowers each anniversary and a few random times but I’m really bad at keeping them alive so he tends to buy me chocolate or something instead and I’ll buy him his fave beer.

  16. My girlfriend buys me flowers all the time (I’m a guy). I must admit I don’t get them for her very often though because I hate the rigmarole of binning them when they all die…

  17. I remember a TV show, possibly 3rd rock, where the alien/man brought flowers to a date and said something like “here, I killed these so you could watch them decompose” kind of put me off the idea…

  18. I’ve never bought anyone flowers and my boyfriend has never bought me flowers. They look better in the ground.

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