Basically what the title says. I had 2 weeks of holidays booked in December but I recently left that job and I want to know if I should still get paid for those 2 weeks?

Any help is greatly appreciated!

  1. It depends what your contract says.

    If you accrue holiday throughout the year and haven’t taken the days you’re owed, you can sometimes expect to get that back in your final pay packet.

    Check your contract.

  2. If you accrued the holidays while working there but didn’t use them, then yes you should be paid for them.

    It would also work the other way, if you used holidays you hadn’t yet accrued and left, you would pay them back.

    A member of the company HR dept or whoever deals with the payroll should be able to clarify.

  3. If you have holiday pay built up it should be due to you yes for example im not due any but I have banked holidays from when we got taken over so if I don’t use them next month (our holiday year is a calendar year not a tax year) I get paid for them

  4. Yes, you will. You’re entitled to receive all remaining holiday pay when you leave a job. You’ll get it in your final pay packet. If they try to say you’re not getting it, then they are in breach of employment law, and you can take them to a tribunal

  5. Are you saying you’re currently working your notice and this holiday falls into the notice period? Generally it would be up to your contract but in my experience the answer is usually yes.

    If you don’t work there anymore then you’ll be paid your remaining accrued balance but they won’t pay you like an employee. Your accrued balance might be less than you expect if you haven’t worked a full year.

  6. You’ll be paid pro rata for any leave accrued and not taken. So it depends on when your annual leave year starts and what proportion you had taken when you left.

    So if for example your annual leave year runs from 1st January. And you get 36 days leave to make it simple, 3 days a month. If you left on the 1st November, you should’ve taken 30 days leave. If you had taken less than that, because you were saving up annual leave for your holiday in December, then yes, you should be paid for the leave you were owed when you left.

  7. If you leave your job in November (and your company leave year runs Jan-Dec) then you need to be paid out any unused holiday that would be accrued by the time you leave. It would be as though you had never booked the leave and still had the days in the ‘bank’, minus ~2 days or so for December. That’s what needs paid out.

  8. You have already left and you didn’t sort this out while you were there?!

    Normally HR will work out how much holiday you were due pro-rata and depending on policy you might get paid for days not taken. They equally might have a use it or lose it policy.

    In any case as you have left you don’t really have much recourse now…

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