Is 29 similar to 21 years of age since they are both in 20’s?

  1. One is in college or just recently graduated.

    The other is expected to have nearly a decade of real adult life experience, several years of career experience, several years of mature, adult relationship experience, and some degree of financial stability.

    It’s very different.

    Edit: Are 11 and 19 different? They’re both in 10s.

  2. Yes. I grew and learned so much about myself/other people/the world etc in that time period.

    What you come to realise is that no matter how much responsibility you had in your early 20s, there are a lot of lessons that only time can teach you.

  3. they are night and day.

    at 29 you are thinking of your 30’s, you are established, generally if you are wise with investments you could have a pretty decent portfolio going, you are ready for the next stage of your life, marriage and possibly kids, you are established in your chosen field of work. you have chucked the party pants at the bottom of the closet and are starting to enjoy more mature activities like BBQ’s and diner parties.

    at 21 you are immature, no career going, still in college, no savings or investments. not thinking of marriage or kids yet, partying and making dumb decisions.

    they are as different as different gets generally speaking. people at 29 are already a couple of kids deep and looking tot heir futures and planning the next stages of life. early 20’s are having fun and living it up (generally speaking)

  4. I mean they are both prime numbers 29 and 31), and they are a twin prime.

    Otherwise, from a life stage point of view, there’s not much difference.

    29 and 21 are very different. At 21 you are still in adolescence (ends around 25 for most people). Your personality isn’t baked. You don’t have a career. At 29 you’re the you you will be for the rest of your life. You have experience being an adult. You’re not an adolescent anymore.

  5. My body is more fragile as each year passes. I’m 31 now and my aspirations, priorities and boundaries are different than when I was 29. We are always growing as people

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