I can’t even talk about my feelings to my parents or friends or any family, I’ve recently started doing it online with strangers but right afterwards I delete/block them because it’s just so embarrassing to me. It’s almost like stage fright, I feel like I want to jump out of my skin when somebody asks me to talk about my feelings.
My siblings can do it! I can’t even talk to my mother about my bra or my period or wearing makeup it’s just too much for me and it makes me feel so ashamed when I try. I even skip over emotional parts in movies I just can’t take it. Is there something wrong with me?

  1. i have the same problem. for whatever reason talking about it feels embarrassing/shameful or way to exposing. for me personally it’s probably just because i’ve grown up in a house where we don’t talk about feelings, but i have no idea how to fix it. it really sucks :(. i would start by trying not to block those people if they seem genuine and willing to talk and go from there.

  2. It’s because feelings involve a lot of vulnerability and discomfort to discuss them. I have the same thing.

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