As the title. I am always jealous of people who still have a group of friends that they can hang out with as adults. I moved to a new city far away from home so I don’t have a group I can regularly hang out with (like childhood friends or high school friends).

I have seen other people say find a hobby or a community that you can go often. Is there any recommendation of which kinds of activities would be the easiest? Especially if I have social anxiery. I have tried meetup or facebook groups but I havent found one that I think I wanna go regularly.

Any advice is welcome!

1 comment
  1. >havent found one that I think I wanna go regularly.

    nobody starts regularly. you just strike up a convo with different people in different situations about whatever that seems interesting to both of you. don’t pressurize yourself to *make* it interesting, if you see it ain’t going anywhere(anymore), don;t hang in there.

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