how long have you been dating your last SO before you kissed?

  1. My wife and I started making out before we ever went on our first date.

    My girlfriend before that, we kissed probably on the 2nd date.

    Before that, first time we met face to face, then before that probably 2nd date, and before that 1st date, and I won’t go back any further

  2. I’ve always kissed on the first date, I wouldn’t be dating a lady if we’ve never kissed. There’s always some type of hooking up on date number one.

  3. We kissed the next day after our first date. I was a bit insecure/shy back then. She expected a kiss that night. Oh well… We’ve been married for 38 years, so I guess it didn’t hurt to make her wait 12 hours or so after that first date for a kiss.

  4. If you don’t kiss by the second date you’re just heading into “let’s be friends” territory and there’s no coming back from that.

  5. We were together probably 6 months before we kissed. Long distance relationship. But the first kiss was, uh, passionate. Worth the wait. We’ve been married 11 years now and she’s still a pretty good kisser.

  6. Kissed (drunkenly) the night we met at a party. Dated during the week (cheap meal at some noodle place). She came round for dinner Saturday night and stayed for breakfast. That was 30 years ago, marriage and 2 kids later…….

  7. Last relationship was long distance. We started dating in July 2018 and only met in person in May 2019 so 10 months later. We kissed as soon as we met in person.

  8. First date. In retrospect, I think she was a little disappointed I didn’t kiss her the night I asked her out. We had been hanging out and talking for a few weeks before this, so it wasn’t like we had just met. 27 years later, she’s sitting four feet away and we have the MST3K Turkey Day marathon on.

  9. We hooked up 8 years at a party before we actually “re-met” and became a couple, so -8 years and 3 weeks or so?

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