We’ve been friends for a good year now, and we get along well, we play around a lot and I think we’re generally pretty close, we’ve gone out to eat and to the park.

And I have liked her for a few months, but I didnt want to ruin a friendship by revealing any king of emotion like that. This friend is seemingly very flippant and will talk to me about guys she thinks are hot (without having ever talked to them, and I admittedly get a bit jealous), and whenever I say something she will ask If Im jealous.

\^ That above scenario has happened two times, and recently shes been getting very touchy, touching my leg and all that, and recently out of the blue asked me if I wanted to touch her breast, and I said no (respectfully cause I couldn’t tell if she was joking) and she laughs it off, but today she out-right flashed me as we were making sexual jokes.

I cant tell if she’s just very free-spirited and doesn’t really care about it, or if I have a chance.

  1. If you wanna just be friends with her just be friends with her. If you want something more, ask for more.

  2. She sounds like she likes you. She’s literally showing you her breasts and telling you to grab them and you are turning her down. Stop being a wuss and ask her out.

  3. – You’ve gone on multiple dates with her
    – She tried to make you jealous
    – She made multiple sexual advances

    You really can’t be too sure whether she’s into you or not.

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