I confronted my partner, at the time, with him having a Tinder profile. He didn’t want to talk, but later that day he explained (because I kept asking) that it was a funny story. His friend had a bachelorparty (true) and everyone (all the guys) used Tinder.

I said that I disproved it and also was doubting if I believed it. And said that it hurted me. He went to his own house, ignored me for a week. Texted after that week that he was done (he ended our 2y relationship). And now, months later (we’re still seperated), blames me for not trusting him.

Serious answers please. If I was wrong for not believing him, I also would like to hear it. I’m so confused right now. Have I been to harsh? I’ve tried to talk things out after our BU, but he ignored me at the time (for 2 months)

I will like to add that he can’t deal with conflicts. It’s a big problem for him.

  1. I don’t think you were wrong for not believing him. If I was in your shoes I would be suspicious of that too. I feel like someone in a committed and happy relationship wouldn’t make a tinder profile just to be included with their single friends. The fact that he ignored you for a week? Big Yikes. He seems immature and he obviously shouldn’t be in a relationship if he can’t consider your feelings or talk about conflict.

  2. I know it hurts that you invested the time and effort. The reality is, he was never true to you entirely. His eyes were always wandering and the fact he had a Tinder Acct should be all the confirmation you require to cut your loses and determine what you want in a relationship. His deception and desire to have an alternative life should be the only proof you need. The sites are great for people that don’t want a commitment or something similar to what you want – if he doesn’t want to address the issue, he’s unwilling to commit to the same things you need for your needs. That doesn’t make him or you wrong – it just shows you are in two different places. You are not wrong – don’t second guess your instincts – he won’t discuss it because he knows your correct and doesn’t want to change to meet your needs. Your awesome – and he certainly doesn’t deserve you… let him have his instant ego fulfillment and move on ..

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