I (24) went on a date once with an American girl (26) who didn’t know that Germany (my home country) is in Europe. She thought that we were neighbouring countries lol.
Another thought was that Europeans don’t have electricity.
Is she maybe not very intelligent or are all Americans uneducated about topics out of their borders?

She was still kinda cute though.

  1. I think it speaks more of the standard American education system. I’m pro increasing teachers salaries. It’s called investing in the future.

  2. One of my close friends can draw an accurate scale map of Europe and the Middle East from memory. On the other hand, my ex wife once thought a guy from Finland must be from “Canadia” due to his accent.

  3. I’m an American and am very educated about the rest of the world. I even have a decent knowledge of the metric system. The girl you went on that date with was absolutely clueless. Most Americans fall somewhere in the middle. The education system in many states (in mine, NY, the schools are some of the best in the country) leaves a lot to be desired. But she was an extreme case of not knowing some basic information. I’m dumbfounded by her thinking that Europeans don’t have electricity. As a very young kid, I saw outlet type converters (and voltage converters) that my grandparents had and asked about them. They told me they were used during their trips throughout Europe.

    You learned an important lesson: beauty doesn’t necessarily mean they are a well rounded or overall desirable person.

  4. >She thought that we were neighbouring countries lol

    Hahaha yeah we Americans are pretty stupid, especially compared to Germans.

    You folks have an educational system which runs rings around ours.


    >Another thought was that Europeans don’t have electricity.

    God… how blindly stupid and embarrassing.


    >Is she maybe not very intelligent or are all Americans uneducated about topics out of their borders?

    Try c) all of the above.

  5. I once had to break up with a girl because she thought stars were planets. ( obviously that was not the excuse I gave her )

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