How much are women similar to their mothers in their marriage?

  1. Varies by women. Some women see their mothers as role models and they try to mimic. Others specifically try to avoid their mothers behavior and literally want to do everything completely opposite.

  2. No woman wants to be exactly like her mother but there may be certain things that she deliberately emulates. And then there are other similarities that can just manifest on their own with no intention behind it. But as a man I wouldn’t use the mother as a basis of predicting what kind of wife she would make.

  3. Very. Most women learned how to be women from their mothers. Daughters pick up alot of traits from their moms, good or toxic. If her mother wrecked her husband(s) in divorce court and had affairs, she will probably do the same to you. If her mom was a loyal devoted wife, higher chance she will be too.

  4. My 3 ex girlfriends were like my mother, they were needy, clingy, pathetic and delusional.

    None of them were like their own mother which is very fucking weird that they all behave like my mother.

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