Hello! I’m trying to improve my dating profile. I would like some good, professional photos of me taken. I searched for photographers in my city. There’s family photographers, with reasonable rates, but they specifically are for children or weddings. Then there’s very expensive photographers who specialize in actors and models. That would cost more than 5% of my yearly salary. I just want to find my one and be done with this. Which should I pick? Or should I look further for someone who specializes in non-model singles?

Also, would it be rude to bring multiple outfits for a single session? Or is that like lying in my profile? It feels wrong, but no one has taken a decent photo of me in 11 years.

All advice is appreciated. I’ve gone years since my last date.

  1. Just rent a camera and have a friend take he pictures. They don’t need to be pro quality just half decent and not selfies

  2. OP if the pics look too professional (unless the idea is working as a model or in publicity) are probably not the best idea.

    Your future dates will love to see you doing what you like and looking happy/confident/confortable

  3. I’d say go for the family photographer route. I don’t think your question is as weird or as uncommon as you believe. Most professional photographers should be able to give you a set of pictures that don’t look overly staged. They’ll also probably encourage you to bring a couple of different outfits. IMO, professional photos are just you presenting your best self and are nowhere near as misleading as some dating profile pics.

  4. Family photographers (not wedding photographers) usually fall under the umbrella of ‘lifestyle photography’ and would probably be very open to doing a session with you — reach out to a few whose style isn’t super posed and who shoot outdoors with an inquiry about taking some ‘candid’ style photos for your dating profile — they probably have encountered the idea before, and if it’s not their jam photogs often have recommendations.

    A good lifestyle photographer will take (and edit) photos that feel natural and not like professional headshots. I have worked as a photographer, and have done shoots with friends for this express purpose that have worked out very well for them — a good portrait by someone who knows what they’re doing can do wonders for representing yourself online.

  5. You don’t need professional photos, just well done ones. Pro photos can turn off matches, as a matter of fact. An iphone can do great pics…a lot of that’s the eye of the person shooting, your prep, and lighting.

    Ask a good friend to help you, take all day, and don’t half ass it. It can be done for free.

  6. Just take a lot of pictures of yourself and find the good ones…

    What makes you think the photos are the problem

  7. You may want to avoid putting “professional photos” on your dating profile.

    Odds are the results you get with online dating won’t justify spending 5% of your annual income.

    Lots of people are inclined to believe people who *catfish* use professional looking photos.

    “..no one has taken a decent photo of me in 11 years.”

    As the old adage goes: “Beauty is in the eye of the beholder.”

    If a photo *looks like you* and you’re wearing a complementary outfit and have a natural smile that’s about as good as one can hope for.

    My guess is if a friend takes several photos of you indoor/outdoor or while on vacation you’ll probably have a few photos you can use for the purpose of a dating profile.

    The picture is only one component of a profile. What you say about yourself along with what you are looking for and how well you communicate with dating prospects matter as well.

    Lastly you should also keep your options open for meeting people in person at social gatherings, via hobby/interest groups through Meetup, while on vacation, and so on.

    You may want to do some research and read reviews before choosing an online dating site.

    Websites like DatingAdvice, DatingSitesReviews, and DatingScout should be of help.

    They’ll let you know what the male to female ratio is, racial, and sexual orientation breakdown, along with average educational and income level….etc.

    What you want should dictate where you shop!

    ***”Dating is primarily a numbers game…. People usually go through a lot of people to find good relationships. That’s just the way it is.”*** – Henry Cloud

    Best wishes!

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