A lot of products say ‘use within 4 weeks’ etc but often a bottle of ketchup stays in the cupboard for a looooong time

  1. all i can say is 2.5yr past BBD pepper is fine

    1yr Ketchup opened is fine

    2yr opened chilli sauce is fine

  2. Until they go off. Expiry dates on condiments are just a statement of how often the company would like you to buy a new one.

  3. I am pretty sure that the horseradish sauce that’s in the fridge will see its fourth outing this Christmas, probably should get a new one tbh

  4. I just threw out some BBQ sauce that went out of date in 2019, it had turned very runny 😀

  5. However long it lasts, pepper tends to go long before BBE because we eat it a lot with meals vinegar too

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