Hey guys, so I think I noticed something in the social world…That people with very little to offer as far as uniqueness or novel ideas, but that have great social skills, thrive very well socially.

It’s like they have the frame/structure for personality, but that’s kinda all they have; they don’t have personality itself. In other words, they lack substance. Like a designer purse but with very basic, boring items in it, if that analogy makes sense.

On the flip side though, I think people with poor social skills but with tons of uniqueness, novel ideas, and personality don’t really thrive in the social world. So in their case, they have substance but not the good frame/structure to hold it. Keeping the analogy going, more like a cheap purse but with awesome, interesting, valuable items inside.

So what is more effective in gaining rank in society, and winning over a mate? Social skills but hollow personality, or amazing personality but lacking social skills?

Please don’t say have both! I understand that, but which one is more important? Please ask if you need any clarifications thanks!

  1. People are hardwired to prioritize sociability over other factors. If someone has poor social skills, they’re going to have a harder time having group support and maintaining relations with others. This leads to ostracization as people don’t want to be associated with someone like that, both as a means of maintaining social reputation and in order to avoid the perceived baggage of social ineptitude.

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