My sister told me today its weird. I personally enjoy going to the movies alone as I don’t like to be disturbed while watching it plus I can decide at what time I go. Watching other couples there makes me feel a little bit sad but overall I enjoy the experiece.

Be brutally honest with your replies if you want.

  1. Nothing weird about it! I mean, why not go alone? No one bugging you, talking during the movie, or having to share your popcorn!

  2. Makes perfect sense to me. Ideally you wouldn’t be sitting there chatting away if you went with someone so doesn’t really make any difference imo.

  3. I think it’s brave of them to watch a movie by themselves. I don’t understand why it’s a big deal. Having me time is important and watching a movie alone is great too. No one will bother you.

  4. I have a flatrate for our local cinema and I often go alone, especially on non-typical cinema times like Sunday afternoon. I don’t think it’s weird. Since covid, they have a rule to leave one seat empty between every party which also showed me that there are several people on their own every time. Enjoy the movie and don’t feel weird about it! 🙂

  5. In today’s world, if you’re not partnered up, you’re supposed to feel ashamed and hide. Or at least that’s what the preppy type say.

    Fuck ’em. I’m not waiting to get a GF to watch Black Panther.

  6. I usually go alone to the first showing of the day on a weekday and the theatre is usually empty. Best time to go!

  7. About 40 years ago my best friend told me she goes to the movies alone “all the time “ and encouraged me to do it. She said “it’s weird for 5 minutes when you buy a ticketbut once you get inside that’s nothing “

    For some stupid reason I thought of movies as a date thing. I could scarcely get up the nerve to do it. I missed decades worth of nice movies, but about 5 years ago after i was diagnosed with cancer going to the movies was one of the few things i felt well enough to do. (And I could buy tickets online) not only do i love going alone, during the day, about 80% of the people go by themselves

    It’s definitely not uncommon and not weird at all. I see myself as a real movie buff now

  8. It’s my favourite alone time hobby. That and eating popcorn so I’d say it’s the best thing really ever

  9. Never thought twice about it. I don’t see why people even question it. People are weird.

  10. I did that yesterday! I’m an only child I don’t mind doing things by myself at all. I think it’s weird that other people think it’s weird. on top of that, I was the only one in the theater! It was great.

  11. When I see people at the movies alone I literally couldn’t care less. I’m there to see the movie, the other people in the theatre are like background noise. Anyone who actually cares or thinks it’s weird when they see someone on their own needs to get a life and mind their business.

  12. I don’t mind going to the theater alone. Now that I’m married, I don’t usually, but I still will go to matinees during the summer if there’s a movie I want to see that my husband doesn’t.

  13. Your sister’s weird!

    Seriously though, people need to get over this stigma of doing things like this alone. Carry on doing what you do, OP.

  14. It’s not weird, and if someone says it’s weird they are most likely projecting their own insecurities.

  15. I do it all the time. The few times I wish I hadn’t gone alone was when the movie was particularly conversation-worthy, and I wanted someone to talk about it with afterward. Otherwise, I’d rather go alone on my own schedule. Also, if the movie is bad, and I want to walk out, I can’t do that if I go with somebody else, lol.

    ETA: People are there to watch the movie. They won’t notice or care if you’re alone. No one will think you’re weird.

  16. No way is it weird. I go to movies and comedy shows by myself and always have a nice time. All that matters is that everyone is happy, so why would anyone want to rain on someone’s parade

  17. I don’t give a single fuck. I don’t even acknowledge other people’s exiestence when going to the cinema. I get way too excited to see the movie to do so.

  18. I think it’s their business, lol. I think your sister is weird for caring so much about what other people do and whether she thinks it’s normal.

    And besides, everything is weird to someone, you’re entitled to be “weird” sometimes if it makes you happy.

  19. They’re extremely lucky. Hours of piece and quiet, no responsibility, the ability to choose what they’re going to watch…

    I wish I did it more when I could

  20. A lot of people I know who are really into movies prefer to go alone, even over going with a date. They like the experience of losing themselves in the story without having to care whether the person they’re with likes it or is having a good time.

    And I get that, because I can think of multiple experiences where who I was with made me see the movie in a different light.

    For example, The Crying Game came out around some holiday, so I went to see it with family. One of my uncles’ coworkers told him it was a “must see” and wouldn’t tell him the surprise. The surprise is not necessarily something you want to watch with your entire family including grandparents. I feel like I might have liked the movie a lot more if I’d gone by myself.

  21. Not being comfortable with your own company is weird. Doing things alone is great! I love having experiences by myself. Sure, a lot of things are great with my friends, husband and kids but I get to really decompress just hanging out by myself.

  22. I think they are unapproachably based and respect them. Whats really sad is not doing shit you want to bc theres no one to go with

  23. I used to go to the movies alone all the time. I stopped because it seems that the movies have become a place to have conversations and look at your phone, so the ticket price is no longer worth it. If you can manage to go in the middle of the afternoon on a weekday, it is great.

  24. I think that I effing hate being judged by people like your sister. But I guess I do judge back… I think that people who can’t do anything by themselves are cowards.

  25. Yeah love it for the same reasons. I FUCKING HATE people asking me questions during movies checking their phones etc. Usually go mid afternoon and when the movie has been out a while, nearing the end of its run. Its fucking fantastic.

  26. I have no friends at 40 and no wife, gf or kids so I go alone except if it’s with my mom or dad. It makes me sad as well.

  27. Your sister says it’s weird because she can’t imagine going (most likely) anywhere alone. This shows a certain level of anxiety that you don’t seem to have.

  28. I have been going by myself for years. Especially movies I want to see that others may not.
    It’s weird to think you must go with someone to watch a movie.

  29. To be *brutally* honest, it’s safe to say that most Redditors support you. Anyone with an open and sane mind support you. Those who aren’t in favor are dicks that probably assert their ideas on people because they believe in one way when it’s not black and white. And there are dicks everywhere you go, even here. Fuck them.

    Your main goal is to watch the movie. You’re not causing disturbance, right? No one should be disturbed that you’re alone. Anyone can make guesses about you, and whoever notices you should keep their thoughts to themselves. I understand the fear of backlash and getting confronted by dicks because of social stigmas.

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