Need quick advice? Ask here! We know you might have a date this weekend that is one your mind. Ask away.

  1. Is it worth trying to date someone, if you know there is a near 95% chance you will both be moving to different cities in less than a year?

  2. Is it inadvisable to meet in person pretty quickly? I hate endlessly chatting online and am usually ready to meet up for a casual low pressure hangout pretty early on, after exchanging enough words to judge that someone isn’t likely to be a threat to my health and safety. (I’m not ALWAYS great at the snap judgments but even my worst dates have mostly been normal, non-violent people. Mostly. There was just one scary one and fwiw it made a good story.)

    I’m just kinda worried I’m too naive because I’ve been out of the game so long and that maybe I should be more careful now that I’m older and have seen things. But I’m also not sure how to screen people any more rigorously through text without boring myself to death and making dating a chore. How are other people navigating this?

  3. A new friend from a common hobby have been showing very strong sings interests in me when I confessed that I liked him, he rejected me and [then admitted in a text]( to being in a relationship which he never mentioned the whole time we have been texting and hanging out together.
    He is still showing strong signs of interest, initiating texts most of the time and even flirting a bit. He also asked to join one of my trips for next year. I am extremely confused. I don’t know if I should stop engaging with him at the risk of losing someone pretty great as friend or continue and risk falling for someone unavailable.

  4. How do y’all feel when a guy asks you things that are already on your profile? Is it ridiculous of me to not want to meet up with someone because of it?

    It kinda annoys me because it means he couldn’t take a few seconds to check my profile to see where I live or what I do for a living (as common examples). It’s like the guys with kids or want kids that message me even though my profile says I don’t want them.

  5. Been speaking to a girl for the last 3 weeks , only had one phone call but we’ve frequently texted. Even stayed up to 2:30 in the morning texting each other once. I can tell the excitement has declined as she no longer wants to flirt or anything. We may be meeting up over the weekend but now she says she’s unwell so many not happen. Is it time to cut my losses and move on?

  6. Had a lovely weekend with a man, I’d been talking to a while. He messages me all the time but then today he called me honey, I thought ok weird that hasn’t happened before. But then he said it again later on. IS HE LOSING INTEREST?

  7. Any f in Tacoma Washington want to hang out tonight. I’ve been alone for too long it’s time for me to get over the divorce and I’m order to get over I need to get under. F cowgirls wanted pls

  8. This weekend’s date with Museum Guy is going to be fun! I’m going to wear my LBD, he’s got his usual dapper work get-up on and we’re going out for dinner! And he suggested that in the morning he could stay a little bit longer so we could have a lazy breakfast together at mine. 😌

    I’m happy to make something for him and he wasn’t expecting anything special in the first place, but I’m wondering if you guys might have breakfast ideas where I can get him involved in some small way so we can cook together?

  9. A girl I liked and became friends with 5 years ago started talking to me again after I broke off our contact 2.5 years ago. Seems like her relationship is turning sour, and she is looking for comfort elsewhere. She confessed she always liked me and was sorry for the way things went. Almost the exact same situation as before, but now I know better. She wants to meet tomorrow but I’m not quite sure, it might be a stupid idea. At least I know now not to have any expectations.

  10. Update to [this post](

    P texted me last night and we set up a hiking date for Monday. She figured out that we have a couple of second-degree connections (beyond Z who introduced us): she’s good friends with one of my exes and friends with another of my ex’s ex. Oh the small lesbian dating scenes 😅. She’s heard only great things about me, that I’m a sweet, kind person.

    I don’t want to get my hopes up too high before we see how we click on person, but it’s reassuring knowing she’s close with several people I think very highly of: I can pretty confidently rule out the possibility that she’s an axe-murderer or even just a grumpy minsanthrope, because I know the mutual friends wouldn’t tolerate that.

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