My whole life I have never given any thought to kids and brushed off the idea as a later issue. Lately i feel like I should begin to structure my life properly if I seriously want to consider marriage and kids. I don’t really have any male figures in my life to really try to model a plan after and no one to really ask so I’m not really sure where to start.

I (25) have just recently been seriously considering starting a family within the next 5 years with my current (23f) partner. We’ve been together almost 3 years, and see her more of a potential wife than a college girlfriend and she is also interested and sees herself as ready to be a wife and mother. We both have at least one year of school left and are on track to begin our dream careers in the next 2 years. That will make me 27-28 and I get sense I might be approaching the best time to make these decisions.

To the best of my judgment, it seems the usual advice is already covered. Finances, education, and a suitable partner.

So I’m asking men with experience for advice on how they would plan the next 5 to 10 years in my shoes with the goal of a successful small family and mariage. What are some important steps I should consider that I may not be thinking of. And what do you wish someone told you when you were my age. TIA.

Tldr; advice for a 25yo considering having children

1 comment
  1. Being a parent is the hardest and easiest thing you can ever do. Just be someone you would want your kids to look up to, everyday for the rest of your life.

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