My ex and i reconnected for a bit and spent some time together. Our breakup was messy and after a year of not seeing each other we hung out for a couple days and although we got along for the most part tensions did arise. He’s very stubborn and lacks empathy , says hurtful things with disregard to how I feel. I attempted to unalive myself today because of how traumatized I am. It brought back all the old feelings of when I was miserable dating him. It had been a year since we last seen each other and seeing him again act so cold with me made me wanna end it all. I was so excited and happy to see him. I feel dumb and used

  1. Seek help and remember he’s your ex for a reason. Go full no contact with him and avoid seeing him again, he’s not worth putting yourself in danger.

  2. Yes, this is pretty common and is why once a relationship have been severed it’s rarely a good idea to look backwards or to have any contact at all with your ex. You obviously need to be in therapy if you’re feeling self destructive. But on top of that you need to resist the urge to communicate at all with this person. You’ll never recover from the breakup if you keep putting yourself in this guy’s crosshairs. Good luck.

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