Last night I was hanging out with a buddy, and feeling kinda low. He takes ketamine and convinced me to try a couple bumps. I tried it and it was fine but not my cup of tea. Now, I feel guilty for trying something new with someone other than my bf. I’m questioning if I’m making a big deal out of it in my head or if I should confess- or if it’s even worth it to tell him?

Both my bf and I use recreational drugs. He does weed, lsd, alcohol, and mdma, and willing to try other things (minus heroin or meth/harder drugs). When he goes out with friends he sometimes takes coke to stay awake. And We recently did psilocybin together. I guess I’m worried that ketamine is a harder drug than the others listed? I’m afraid of being judged and don’t know if it’s even worth sharing as it’s something unlikely I’ll do again.

TL:DR; tried a new drug without my bf. Feel like I would be judged if I tell him but feel guilty not telling him. Am I overthinking this? Is it necessary that I divulge this information to him or just keep it moving? We’ve been dating 5 months.

  1. I think you’re Overthinking. You don’t need to tell your partner EVERYTHING about your life.

    Sure you can mention it in passing. Not a big deal

  2. Ketamine isn’t much harder than the psychedelics you listed, especially if you only took a few small bumps. Tell him about it! Ketamine IS being used to treat depression more and more recently, just tell him you were curious about how it’d help with your depressive feelings so you tried a small amount.

  3. It’s not more serious than acid or mdma, you’re fine. Ketamine gets a bad rap I think; plus you tried it once and you didn’t really care for it, so it’s not going to become a problem. Coke is way more likely to become a problem, for some people anyway. Tell him if it would make you feel better, but I don’t think you need to, and you didn’t do anything wrong.

  4. Why do you feel guilty for trying something new without him? Did you two have a deal that you’ll only try new stuff together? Have you talked about how both of you feel in regards to the other person trying or doing drugs without the other one present? Why would you not tell him about a new experience you had?

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