Title says it all. Been talking with a guy for about a week and things have been going great. He’s kind, fun, and caring this far. But I don’t know how tall he is. Is it rude to ask? A guy under like 5’ 10” is such a huge turn off for me. I really prefer 6’ 2”+

I’m a 5’ 4” female if that matters

  1. I’d suggest actually meeting him. If physical appearance is a deal breaker, that’s understandable, most people have preferences that they just can’t get around. I have preferences that I just can’t get around.

    Directly asking about height hits men about the same way directly asking about weight or bra size hits women.

  2. I am pretty tall for a woman- 5’9 (but closer to 6’ in heels). I am not as attracted to men who are 5’10 and under because I like being the shorter one sometimes.

    You’re only 5’4, and I guess… whatever, like what you like, but what difference does it really make for you if a guy is 5’10 or 6’2? Are you wearing stilts??

    Given that a guy who is 5’10 has a half foot on you, it seems stupid to me that you’d pass up someone awesome solely because he is only 6 inches taller than you instead of 10 inches (or more) taller.

  3. it’s a preference. physical attraction is like taste – you may prefer oranges and like them best but you’ll eat a pear from time to time or you might try an apple if it’s really shiny and ripe. As long as that preference doesn’t keep you from giving people who don’t meet that preference a chance I don’t think it’s shallow. So in that case yeah i think it would be rude to ask, give him a chance if you meet him and can’t get over the height thing just let him know it’s not going to work. Don’t let one thing you think is a deal breaker keep you from having fun, you may just end up sabotaging yourself out of happiness.

  4. Yes, yes it is, but you’re allowed to be shallow, just don’t be surprised when people don’t react well to it. Best be ready to tell him your weight and cup size right after.

  5. Everyone has their list of physical traits they like and height is one of them, but I suggest meeting because you might be surprise. He might just get you with his personality lol

    At first I didn’t like how short the guy I’m currently seeing was when I met him in person (I’m 5’ 0” and he’s 5’ 1”). He was interested in a second date so I went…and now I’ve been seeing him for three months 🤣

    That might happen with you!

  6. It isnt a feature one can control or change.
    Everyone has preferences and there is no shame in that but I think you will be missing out on quite a few quality of guys. 😁

  7. As a 5 7 guy. This post made me kind of sad. Sometimes it hurts to be the bruised peach that no one picks even though you know you are delicious. But yes. You are allowed a preference. Speaking for all average/short guys, a chance to prove oneself is always appreciated.

  8. I think the reason you want a man so much taller is because your height is bang average. Almost all men are taller than you, you’ll never get rude comments about your height. I think that’s why you have such high (lol, pun) standards for a guy’s height – because you’re neither super short nor super tall and don’t know how rough it is being a short guy or tall girl to actually worry about someone being pushed away for something they literally can’t control.

    Now for me, I legit am taller than many men, so this was a bit awkward sometimes. I always thought if I were 5’4, I’d date all the 5’6 hotties. Be happy your pool of potential men who are great AND taller than you is so large! Much harder to find an amazing man than a 6 foot asshole.

  9. Ofc you’re allowed your preferences. But I would at least interrogate where this preference is coming from – is it innate, or does it stem from societal pressures and expectations? If it’s the former, then there’s not much you can do. Just date people who are tall enough for you. Your dating pool will be limited, however.

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