Who is your least favorite male protagonist, and why?

  1. Harry Potter. It never seemed to me like he really had to work for anything. Neville was a better protagonist in that story to my mind, at least the way the movies portrayed him.

  2. Tie between the book version of Tyrion Lannister and Tony Soprano.
    It can be argued that they’re not the protagonists, but since the stories tend to push us to root for these guys, over other worse actors, I’m choosing them.

    Tyrion because, while he’s had a difficult life, is a pompous, self-important, prideful dick. The character is amazing, but I don’t have to like him to enjoy him lol.

    And Tony is the ‘high school jock who never progressed passed freshmen year of college asshole’, but a mobster version of that. He’s constantly wanting to live in the past, even when his present could be beautiful if he just owned up to his own piss poor decisions. But the entire draw of his character is that he’s trying to struggle against his nature and fails impressively so.

  3. James Bond. Always thought he was an arsehole. And dull as dishwater. When I finally saw the Connery flicks when I was a kid, I was also shocked at how badly he treated women. Every man wants to be James Bond? Bullshit

  4. Unpopular opinion, but Tony Montana from “Scarface”.

    Believe it or not, but way too many people seem to think his story is to be inspiring. Dude is a cokehead, woman-beating, explosively angry dirtbag. Unlike Sosa (the real antagonist of the movie) he ends up hurting everyone close to him.

    He is a rabid dog. A liability for everyone.

  5. Forrest Gump.While I like his journey,his obsession for Jenny makes me cringe.The better message would have been that he moved on and found someone who appreciated him.
    I remember watching this movie with my mom.She said something like “This is what true love looks like”. I remember saying something like if true love looks like this then I don’t want it.Honestly this movie damages the perception about irl romance in younger audiences.

  6. Master Chief. Just a dude with a dude voice, doing army stuff, in a suit + helmet. Name an interesting quality about him. He might as well not even be there.

  7. I’d say Rick from Rick and Morty is definitely up there. He’s an arrogant, callous, nihilistic, shit heel of a person and honestly I prefer it when he loses.

  8. Matrim calthoun from Wheel of time.
    Luck is a bullshit power. Rand had to learn how to accept himself, Perrin had to learn temperance Matt just wins everything. I know he loses something but I just can’t relate to him like I can Rand or Perrin. I don’t feel he earned his arc.

  9. Barry Allen in the Flash CW show (yes I know it’s cringe). Just conceptually this dude needs a whole ass team to tell him to “run Barry run” (let alone how cringe this phrase is).

    This dude can get nothing done on his own and it feels like his only superpower is friendship.

    Compared to the zero-fucks-given versions of comic Barry Allen’s the show is a joke.

  10. Least favorite is Caillou. That bitch ass kid is worse for moral standings than a bag of crushed ass holes left out in a car during an Arizona summer.

  11. I don’t like Anakin Skywalker from Episode 2. He’s coarse, and rough, and irritating, and he gets everywhere.

  12. I’m not a huge fan of the main character in my life. The lazy bastard never bothers doing much!

  13. Scott Pilgrim. He’s a douche to everyone he knows, and the movie cuts out the parts of the story addressing it.

  14. Tony Montana from Scarface, did he really need to kill Manny? I think he’s just very unlikable

  15. Captain America. His powers lack any sort of consistency at all. In one scene he can barely stop a car, but in the next he’s punching hulk in the face and hulk actually feels it. We’re talking about a creature that can throw skyscraper sized war beasts around (referencing the giant snake thing in the original avengers movie).

    I mean, hulk is so fucking built, he shrugs off bullets and they ricochet off him. But a punch from Captain America can ring his bell? Yeah, ok.

  16. Walter White. He’s a piece of shit who constantly puts his ego over anything else while also lying and gaslighting those around him, in particular Skylar. Also the hero worship of him is just horrifying.

  17. Ted Mosby from how I met your mother ( if you even consider him that)

    I guess barney did a pretty much good job explaining why.

    The best character from himym was actually Marshall

  18. Do you have any idea how difficult it is to narrow it down to just a single man?

    I pick any protagonist that refuses to kill his enemies bEcAuSe It’S wRoNg. With the sole exception being Vash the Stampede, of course.

  19. Tyler Durden – because half the chucklefucks who watch/read Fight Club don’t understand that the point of his character is to showcase why **not** to emulate him.

  20. Caillou, he gets whatever he wants and never gets in trouble. Its even in the theme song ‘Cept when I’ve had enough pretty much saying he throws fits

  21. Ted Mosby. Dude is a total piece of shit and they try to make us think he is this super great romantic guy.

  22. As much as I love Bojack Horseman I’m not a fan of Bojack. He knows he has a problem but he relies on his friends to call him out for it instead of tackling it himself.

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