I met this girl for a couple of months now. We go out almost every week, text and chat everyday.

I like her a lot so I started expressing my feelings for her. She only said “I want to know you more”.

However, things have changed. Our conversation online have changed, she barely replies to my chat/texts and if she do, I only get short answers. I ask her to go out with her tomorrow, and she said yes.

She’s so cold in our calls and chats but she still agrees to go out with me. Do you think this girl has interest in me?

  1. If she engages you and responds and makes the effort, she’s interested in you in some form or fashion.

  2. Hard to say. Maybe she got cold feet on going further. or maybe she’s been talking and seeing more guys than just you and she’s got more interested in another guy after she said that to you.

  3. Short answers don’t mean necessary that she has less interest. She said yes to meeting you, so I guess there’s still some interest left.
    I guess the meeting will clarify everything.

  4. Sounds like you pushed too hard. When you express your feelings it makes the other person think much more seriously about you. Instead of thinking about just going out to have a good time she’s analyzing everything about you. Sounds like she’s not interested in anything serious with you so I’d back off, a lot

  5. You shouldn’t have said anything about ur feelings. Things get awkward fast when feelings aren’t reciprocated.

    I’d recommend ghosting her for a bit and see what happens better yet get another girl and draw out those feelings

  6. Here’s a good one. I’ve found that girls that are into me will have laser-like memory about our interactions.

    It’s a dead giveaway…

  7. If she is not into you, you will know and won’t be writing here. People aren’t keen on getting hurt. That’s why she is careful after you drifted away. You’d better explain to her why you disappeared. There is no shame to admit how you feel. Honesty brings people together.

  8. She breaks down barriers to be with you rather than putting up extra walls and obstacles and hurdles.

    >I met this girl for a couple of months now. We go out almost every week, text and chat everyday.

    Well, it’s been months now, so why aren’t you a couple?

    >I ask her to go out with her tomorrow, and she said yes.

    Then talk to her about what’s going on between the two of you tomorrow.

  9. >Our conversation online have changed, she barely replies to my chat/texts and if she do, I only get short answers. I ask her to go out with her tomorrow, and she said yes.

    >She’s so cold in our calls and chats

    >I like her a lot so I started expressing my feelings for her.

    ☝🏾That’s why she changed dude, right there.

    This isn’t all women but half of them love the ambiguity, that uncertainty.

    As soon as you took off the veil you made it less fun for her.

    >but she still agrees to go out with me. Do you think this girl has interest in me?

    And now she’s most likely using you for attention, you’ve become/may have become a “Time Hoe” and now she’s using you for attention.

    You didn’t necessarily do anything wrong as you weren’t playing games, but the mistake was not letting her define the relationship.

    My advice? Or should I just call it an uneducated suggestion?

    Don’t talk to her for a while.

    I don’t mean block her, or give her a taste of her own medicine in a spiteful way. More let her feel your absence and let HER make the effort to innitiate contact.

    How she reacts will show you how she feels about you. If she regains enthusiasm and makes first contact and offers suggestions then she genuine, most likely.

  10. broh she wants to hangout with u, duh just dont give her ass free time & attention tell her u want a relationship ez pz lemom squeezey

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