What is a lie or something you hid from your partner that you will never tell them?

  1. Told her that I didn’t have the time as I would be on call for work.
    Played videogames all day instead.

  2. She was staying at my place for the weekend and bought some groceries on her way so she could cook us a dish that her family used to make. I told her that I would put the groceries away and that she just go ahead and take a shower. She went ahead to shower while I put the groceries away.

    Now, let me explain: I hate ketchup. I mean I HATE ketchup with extremely irrational levels of hatred. I cannot even begin to explain how badly.

    So, as I am putting the items away, I notice a bottle of ketchup in the bag. I stood straight, bit my lip in thought while staring out the window in silence, and went into a slight existential funk. Returning from the void, I double-bagged the threat and walked it a block away to the community dumpster.

    She was still in the shower when I returned home. Later that night, she inquired about the whereabouts of the ketchup. I told her I didn’t see any ketchup. She then rummaged through her purse and pulled the receipt. She showed me the ketchup that was printed on it.

    I suggested that maybe she left it at the store and not to worry about it. Her with her great-depression-level money management skills actually drove back to the store and got another bottle for free.

    I died twice that night.

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