I (15m) has never had sex before. I’ve heard stories from my friends but never really tried. My new girlfriend (15f) recently asked me to bring condoms to our first date. I’m not sure how I’m supposed to go about it. I’m 5 inches and in alright shape. I don’t know if she expects something that I can’t provide but I don’t wanna be disappointing on my first time.

  1. Sex on a first date at 15….at 15 I would have been all in…. Because hormones. Current me would slap the shit out of me and call me a dumbass.

    I mean… Be prepared and have condoms, but I’d really think about if that’s how you want to lose your v card.

  2. First of all, sorry if formatting sucks, I’m on mobile

    It might seem like a silly question, but are you sure you’re ready to have sex? It’s okay and completely normal to have a certain anxiety regarding your first time, but you should generally be okay with the idea. If you’re not ready then that’s completely fine if you communicate that!

    That being said, if you’re sure definitely ask her beforehand whether she really wants it. Having sex on a first date being 15 years old is pretty fast, but of course okay if you’re both minors and have consented to one another. Also, when buying condoms, make sure you aren’t allergic to latex before and buy the right size!

    Other than that: I’d just try to relax and, most importantly, communicate. I know, it may be weird and awkward in the beginning, but that’s what makes it so much more important. You both need to speak about what you’re comfortable with, what feels nice, what doesn’t, what you want to try, when you want to stop etc. It can be a beautiful thing to explore your sexuality.
    If you’re both ready, use contraception, communicate and are both nice to each other (meaning both of you try to pleasure each other, especially her as normal penetrative sex might not “do” anything for her) it will most probably be a good experience and you most certainly won’t dissapoint her. But if you sense that she’s getting irritated fast, making fun of any body part of yours or just wants to have sex without taking your wants and wishes into consideration I’d immediately stop.

    Hope I could help, if you have any other questions just ask 🙂

    Good luck!

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