What’s one thing you own that you wish you didn’t?

  1. An automatic cat litter box. The cats won’t go anywhere near it so it was a complete waste of money 🙁

  2. Does my yard count?

    I have this weed that grows that has thorny stems. I’ve done everything to get rid of it, pulled it out by the roots, layed down a tarp, etc. it still comes back.

    I have dogs, so I don’t really want to use chemical weed repellent.

    I’ve heard of a few other suggestions I’ll try out in the fall, once the snow melts.

    EDIT: Thought of the right word for “spiked” – Thorny lol

  3. A Tree of Heaven.

    I hate the thing so much. We have cut it down, poisoned the roots, sprayed the entire yard, and will notice another sprout popping up. It grows so fast and hides itself so well at first…argh, I hate the thing.

  4. My memory skills: I don’t forget anything. The good the bad the ugly… all stays in there and sometimes think: you know what I’m gonna fuck your night sleep by thinking about something that happened years ago 😅 I wish I could be more forgetful

  5. A uterus. I’m done with it, thanks. But I’m not willing to deal with the side effects of a hysterectomy.

  6. I wish I didn’t have pets, because I dread the day they no longer will be here.

    I lost both of my horses in a very short time, the oldest one I had for 16 years, and I don’t think I’ll ever recover emotionally. While I loved them above everything else and they brought me so much happiness and joy, I wish I never had gotten them, because I don’t think the now life-long pain was worth it. Now I have a cat and a chinchilla, and I feel the same about them. I love them so much, but I wish I didn’t.

  7. A car. I mean, in the US owning a car is pretty much required unless you live in a big city. It’s not at all an investment, as cars always depreciate in value and end up costing way more than the sticker price long-term.

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