As the title says, my husband doesn’t seem to want to spend any time with me. We had plans to go to dinner for his birthday recently- just us, without the kids- and he told me on the day we shouldn’t go. We had plans this Tuesday to go to a Christmas fair together, he said we should go a different day. So we made plans to go Wednesday which fell through and again on Thursday! Aside from not wanting to do these things with me, he’s spending all day everyday on his phone texting, gaming, and goes to a friends house every week for the day (he’s not contactable when he’s there). It seems like he has time for everyone OTHER than me.
I know I can and should just talk to him but I don’t know how to say give me your attention without sounding needy. And it’s already way less special to me knowing I have to spell it out that I want his attention, so even when I get it I won’t feel like he actually wants to be doing it or he’d already be doing it.
I need serious help with this before it breaks the marriage apart

  1. Are you sure he is going to friends verses he has an affair partner?

    This could also be the reason he no longer gives you attention.

    Do some digging.

  2. Is there anything else going on in the marriage that’s making him not want to spend time with you??

    For us, we’re having a few issues. The kicker for me is that he’s very critical of me trying to communicate. Naturally, I’ve pulled away. I’m on my phone a lot…talking to my sister, trying to find others on Reddit who have a similar story, mindlessly scrolling instagram to avoid my reality. There is no cheating at all involved, not even a desire to cheat (at least on my part).

    Admittedly, he’s suggested therapy but I’ve declined to go. We’re both unwilling to compromise on a few key things so I’m having a hard time wanting to share personal details of my life with a stranger about things that will likely remain unsolved. However, maybe it would help your situation?

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