More details:

From your experience has there been anything that you feel prevents you from enjoying the sport?

What influenced your interest in the sport?

Is it hard or easy to find other women that share the same interest in it? And why do you think that is?

Where are you from? (if you are okay to disclose the info)

  1. I’m seeing this from an American perspective so I’m answering as if this is directed towards us! (So sorry if not accurate)

    There is a women’s American football league in my hometown and it’s the highest level of womens amerixan football. Unfortunately it is horribly-funded and equivalent to a little kid’s t-ball team when trying to be taken seriously. I absolutely want to join and play a season some day, as I am a huge fan of football in general and it seems like a great way to exercise and make friends, so I hope it still comes back swinging since it is still not back yet due to the original COVID cut 🙁

    I would LOVE to get on a football field and play with a whole team of women! I’m just sad no one takes it seriously and barely anyone in the community even knows about it. It’s a legitimate team too, not one of those “football teams” where women wear skimpy costumes and prance around for male viewing pleasure. The team I’m talking about is full contact tackle football.

    Look up Columbus Comets Women’s Pro Football team!

  2. The immediate problem is the pay gap. Men get more for accomplishing less. Women footballers can’t feel valued in terms of pay or coverage or sponsorship.

    While it’s frustrating that this happens the gap needs narrowed in both directions, the women need more and the mens game really needs to receive less.

    Football, men’s football is rotten and corrupt at the highest levels. I don’t want to see women’s football becoming overshadowed by this either. Finally the amount of sexual harassment that occurs from spectators that happens to the women on the field and in the crowd is awful.

  3. Pay the players more.

    I have a friend that plays professionally. Even in the best league, none of her teammates could afford to train full time because they weren’t paid enough to play and needed a second job to support themselves. Meanwhile even players on the men’s worst teams make significantly more.

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