(M19) some context: I’ve never really been in a relationship, so I wanted to try my hand at some dating apps. Ended up matching with someone kinda nearby and we hit off pretty well at the beginning. She’s a very sweet lady and we exchanged numbers and started talking constantly to get to know eachother, evening face timing the other night. Thing is, I have a lot of stuff happening right now, and talking to her about possible dates and a future relationship really stresses me out, and I quickly realized with what I have going on in my life I need to hold off on dating for now.

How to I respectfully tell her I don’t want to get into a relationship? I’m scared as hell of upsetting her, I’ve been on the receiving end of this before and it hurts like hell and I’m honestly terrified of doing the same to someone else. I don’t want to seem like I’m leading her on so I’m going to do it tonight, I’m just so scared that she will be hurt by it.

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