We both don’t want to label it . For me it’s just a commitment issue but for him ,he wants to still do stuff with others.

  1. Well … one of the con could be that you both might have different expectations from each other and also different levels of involvement in each other’s life 🤷🏻‍♀️

    I’m not here suggesting you label it but .. it’s better to be on the same page regarding atleast the amount of time/energy/priority that you’re giving to each other

  2. My issue was the uncertainty of if he was still looking for someone better. Once we established that neither one is looking at nor for anyone else, the dynamic change to more comfortable with each other

  3. Lack of security and a consensus on where the relationship is going and what you both want.

  4. Look you don’t have to put labels on it but if you’re mutually agreeing to spend time with each other, holding hands, kissing etc not limited to the pg stuff then you’re in a relationship. I didn’t label mine let alone have a conversation because I thought it was obvious if we spend so much together and do everything couples do it’s a relationship already.. it doesn’t have to be confirmed to everyone else except I just know it is

  5. Not labeling stuff sounds like a nightmare, there is no way I could stick around in something like that. If you want to keep him around you gotta label it, if not I guess just have your fun and don’t complain.

  6. the cons are for whoever catches feelings, or for the person who wants something serious. In that case, you’re wasting time in something that isn’t suited for you.

  7. Putting a label on something and establishing boundaries are 2 different things. A label itself is ultimately pointless but it really just depends on what your expectations. Are you ok with him sleeping with a new person every day? I’m not saying that’s a realistic scenario but if you don’t set boundaries, you have to be ok with whatever your partner feels is appropriate in a label-free relationship. If you sleep with new people, is he going to be ok with that? It’s not up to him but his expectations might look different from yours and without a conversation/label, it could be detrimental to your relationship to not discuss things ahead of time.

  8. The con is you don’t always know where you stand and it’s easy to have misunderstandings of boundaries and expectations.

  9. Not labelling something is just an excuse to sleep with other people. End of. The fact hat you’re here asking, means you’re not comfortable with that.

  10. Why do people get so hung up on making things “official”? It literally doesn’t have to change anything other than not fucking other people.

    It’s just weird to me when someone wants to date one person, not sleep with anyone else, but they don’t want to call them your boyfriend/girlfriend for some reason.

    Dating has gotten weird since before I was in a long relationship

  11. Me and my current partner are a good exanple of this. We were dating, and then he had to go away for a while. I asked him what we were, and he said “let’s just carry on like this and dee where it goes”.
    I kept speaking to him but also had a few flings/hook ups.
    When I saw him next, 6 months later, I asked what we were again and he was like… Well I waited for you for 6 months so I’m pretty sure this is a relationship!

    We clearly had a different understanding of what was going on there.

  12. Same cons as traveling with no destination or itinerary. It’s going to lead to confusion and strife, eventually….unless you’re both implicitly on the same page. Doubtful.

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