So like everyone with unlimited internet access at a young age in the 2010s i started to read fanfics on Wattpad, it didn’t start out as smut but over time I found myself being drawn in because I accidentally stumbled onto lemons. Overtime it progressed from fan-fiction then to art and now hentai manga, videos, and erotic roleplay, with all of this it makes me extremely horny and I can’t stop touching myself. It’s gotten bad, I’ve started doing it every night for the past few years and at some points I can barely move my wrist or arm because it causes me physical pain.
Do any of you know how to stop a masturbation addiction?

  1. “If Once You Start Down The Dark Path, Forever Will It Dominate Your Destiny.”
    – Yoda

    You’re too far gone, my friend

  2. hey, this is for in case it gets really bad and you need support

    sex and love addicts anonymous meetings, google them, they have support for porn and masturbation additcs.

  3. How old are you? You sure it’s not just puberty? I masturbated a ton when I was a pre teen, like 6-8 times a day when given the opportunity. But I didn’t get sore.

  4. If it’s gotten to a point where masturbation is the only thing you can think of and you’re deliberately missing out on idk catching up with friends, school or sleeping because you just can’t stop or if your habits just annoy you, it might be time to see a professional about it. Do you have free health care where you live or any other way of getting a therapist covered by insurance?

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