Just ignore it, I know! But I still like to hear what people say.

I am an Asian immigrant who has lived in the US for 20+ years, and there’s one thing I am still not wholly feeling comfortable with: people are often ignoring others. Not only online, but in real life too. Here is a recent case that makes me wonder:

I moved to a new community 1 year ago and started being friends with a neighbor. We occasionally exchange food, have casual conversations, etc. She is a middle-aged single, so a couple of days ago I sent her a message asking her if she likes to go to a park with us. No response, no explanation whatsoever.

I would totally understand that if she says something like “no I already had a plan but thanks”, but nothing. Not sure if I am somehow a different creature, I myself have never done such kind of thing to anyone, because I would imagine if so how the other one would feel like. But unfortunately being ignored seems to be one of my American experiences with which I am still learning how to deal.

I am 50 + year-old so I understand we need to take this kind of thing lightly. And I also know this happens everywhere, not only here. However, compared with the country where I came from, I experienced this type of behavior much more frequently here in the US, so I think it’s fair to say this is a cultural thing. My question still remains: is ignoring people’s invitations/requests/questions totally OK in American culture? Have you ignored others? If so, what made your feel OK with that?

  1. Not totally ok, but common. Yes, I’ve ignored others before. I felt ok with that because that other person was an asshole, but there can be multiple other reasons that someone is ignored, and not due to personality but due to whatever situation the other person is in right now.

  2. So this is a neighbor. Why not make the casual invitation in person? “Hey, we’re heading out for a walk in half an hour. Would you like to join us?”

    It’s much easier to ignore a text. And one of the reasons people text (aside from convenience) is to avoid having that face to face, or voice to voice (telephone) conversation.

    Because texting is easier. Also IGNORING texts is easier.

    So, you’re both taking the easy way out.

  3. “If they ignore me they don’t have any interest in me, so why would I care about them?” Is how I think, if it’s one time it can be excused, but if it’s reoccurring that’s my cue to leave

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