So not a relationship, we’re just dating and it’s not about him or us, but about how I (F) should deal with not seeing the guy I’m dating (Lary) when I miss him. We’re both 24.

Lary is so great! He’s showing real affection and we’re a really great match. We both expressed how comfy we feel with each other and have gotten to know each other quite well over the past weeks.

So a few days ago I asked him about his weekend plans and he said he’ll go out with colleagues to celebrate closing a deal on Friday night. Without even blinking I said “Ohh you should! You’ve been working so hard, enjoy! ” (I really meant it, I’m so happy for him he’s done!). Now it’s Friday and I made no plans because I expected to be studying all weekend. However, I did most of my work this week so I suddenly have a lot of free time. I know I should chill out, it’s been a very long week, but I feel like I need to go into town/party just because he’s doing it also! Why is this? I’m not going (and I won’t message Lary or anything, I’m not crazy like that), but why is it keeping me so busy internally? All I think about is seeing him again and when that will be and what we will do!

I have always struggled with having nothing to do, but especially when someone close to me is doing something. I have enough hobbies, but I can’t seem to enjoy them right now because I cannot focus at all.

TLDR: Person I’m dating is going out and I’m stuck home missing him, any tips?

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