Just that: what did you think about it?

  1. All of the fuss, obsession, unwanted photos and self fellating importance is over that ugly thing. Nature has underwhelmed me.

  2. I played sports so I saw naked girls and women all of the time. It wasn’t a big deal to me. It was just “Oh you have what I have. Cool.” and I moved on.

  3. I told him his dick looked like a hairy caterpillar 😬 I guess kind of an honest shock. Definitely should have been more tactful lol but I was like 17

  4. Seeing it mostly sparked curiosity. I remember touching it and being very surprised at how it could be so hard and yet soft at the same time

  5. I laughed really fucking hard, not because it was small or anything but because it was so goofy looking lol

  6. I had no idea it can be so huge. My friend once showed me his penis when we were 12ish maybe, so it was a great deal of shock years later.

  7. “That’s fucking gross as fuck, why am I supposed to be turned on by this”. And no, this wasn’t in person/someone I knew, it was just late teenage-early 20’s me being curious online.

  8. I was repulsed and disgusted. I still am. I keep this opinion to myself and don’t body-shame men, but it is one of many, many reasons I never intend to have any sort of sex.

  9. I was shocked that this singular, tiny, insignificant thing bestows inherent superiority to half the human population over the other half.

  10. In pictures I always liked how they looked. I thought they were fun to look at.

    In person the first time I saw one was when I was raped so I felt pretty scared and disgusted.

  11. I saw my mom naked in a bathtub once around 9 or so and only noticed that there was quite a bit of hair there that I didn’t have yet.

  12. I mean that would have been my parents when I was a toddler and they were bathing me so how would I remember

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