Im 19 and in college and am super shy. I have no experience doing this at all and dating apps are not really working for me. It just feels wrong and like im harassing someone i dont know if i go up to them and try and talk to them. How do you do this, like what do i say? Is it strange to just ask them out afyer introducing myself or should i talk to them for weeks or months first? I feel like id be objectifying them if i just ask them out right away since id be going off their looks. Im really scared of harassing them by accident and i dont want to get in trouble or worse pepper sprayed/bludgened by them for doing something wrong. It seems like it should be simplr but idk how to do this really. There are lots of cute girls around campus but i cant even bring myself to make eye contact, i look down at the ground most of the time in public for fear of making someone think im staring at them. Ive had girls look my way before so they must have thought that before and are trying to catch me even though i wad not.

  1. There is this book which has helped me a lot, “Dating sucks but you don’t ‘, try giving it a read, maybe you can get some ideas.

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