Limit your list to 5 things when you see, that you would instantly left swipe without a 2nd thought.

If you’re looking for men or women you can add that too – it will give those who read this a good idea how to build a better profile.




Man looking for women


1. Fails to have clear picture of who they are in first couple pics. Could be too far away from camera, every pic covered by sunglasses, pictures of many people where you can’t tell who the profile is for, pictures of sunrises, pets, anything but themselves. An attempt to hide identity on a dating app, and I’m not talking about the ones with revealing photos/fetishes who crop their face out.
2. Hiding first name or using initials. I matched with “K”. Great start, K. ‘K.
3. Clearly lying about age or pretending not to know how to change ones’ age. Some apps don’t allow you to update your age, but guess what – you can delete your account and re-create it with the correct info. Don’t lie.
4. Profiles which *don’t even try*. Like just being present should be enough to make you swipe right. Just pictures, no info, no personality. Even worse, when the pictures aren’t even animated so you can’t infer any info from them. I’m not speaking about new undeveloped profiles here, just those of people who don’t even try.
5. Angry/demanding/psychotic sounding, references to “real man” in all caps, etc.

  1. “Just looking for some fun”

    “Take me out on your boat”

    “Buy me a drink”

    “Swipe left if…”

    “Trump 2024”

  2. Men looking for woman.

    1. Profile description giving entitled vibes (make me laugh, take me out, you have to have XYZ, etc) or goes on about all the shitty things they experienced on dating apps.
    2. “Poly/open couple/open minded people only”
    3. No body pics
    4. Mentions of politics or anti-vaxx/flat earth/aluminum foil hat type stuff
    5. “I’m just here for friends”

  3. Female looking for male

    1. Non-pictures of themselves (truck, landscape, other toys)…why??
    2. Unhealthy/overweight
    3. Arrogant/cockiness/suggesting superiority
    4. Hookup profiles that usually just have one covertly nudie pic
    5. That old guy who keeps popping up in my swipes. He’s clearly 60+ and profile states 30 …BRUH!

    I’m from a smallish town, so I will swipe right on someone with no bio on their page.
    I myself don’t have one because I can’t for the life of me figure out what to write…help a girl lol

  4. As someone who’s bi, I see a loooot of the women on there are polyamorous and just looking for a third, so that’s a quick left swipe, for one. Two, anyone who has aggressively political views, regardless of what they are, at the top of their profile. Those are my main two but I actually haven’t been on a dating site in a bit but I remember those two being my main instant left swipes.

  5. No bio or information, only group photos, no clear photos of their face, the use of filters that alter the face (seriously, everyone needs to stop doing this, it’s so obvious), if their bio is negative or lists complaints, “here for a good time, not a long time,” and – by far the worst one that I see way too often – but “sorry ladies, I don’t eat seafood” or anything along those lines… are you actually bragging about being terrible in bed?

    I’m a woman, dating men.

    ETA – “ethically non monogamous” is just so obnoxious. There should really just be a separate category for couples/people who are poly/whatever at this point. I’m not interested in someone who is already in a relationship, whether or not they add the word “ethical” lol

  6. When someone is blocking their face in most or all pictures or the lighting is so bad I can’t see the person’s face.
    posting only one ohoto(this doesn’t give me a good idea of how you look and catfishes are too common to risk it)
    personally if they’re more outdoorsy I avoid because I’m not so theres a bigger chance we may not be compatible.
    The alpha male vibe in the bio.
    I’m not a fan of drinking(people drinking those ridiculously huge bottles) or smoking clouds in photos either just because it’s hard to distinguish party animal(drinking and smoking is necessary in my life style) from I’m joking about being a big drinker from first glance. I’m not straight edge I do both but I can’t imagine dating someone who needs that as a big part of their life.
    I’m also worried about people who show off wads of cash in selfies.
    The frustrating thing for me is being out about being bi I get couples asking me to join even after I say I’m monogamous. So I get a little paranoid when the dating profile has the main person being lovey dovey with another person. Some people bring it up that they’re dating and looking for a third weeks to months after talking instead of right away.

  7. When the majority of the images are the same face in the same angle. Where the clothes are the only difference.

  8. Everyone is entitled to their opinion. That being said I will list my 5.

    1. Multiple people in the same picture. If I can’t tell who you are. Why bother trying?

    2. 1 picture – if you have one picture in your profile I’m unsure if I’m attracted or not.

    3. Close up to face – if there’s no body picture, I’m not going to guess what you look like in real time.

    4. Saying your actually 18 but you put your 50 years old. I know a gold digger when I see one

    5. Filters! Don’t be catfishing me. If you have cat ears. I expect to see cat ears when we date.

  9. 1. “Does anyone even reply on here” thanks for letting me know you have zero game

    2. All group pictures

    3. Only listing what they don’t want. The “Swipe left if you’re a dirty smoker that has demon kids and doesn’t exercise” like I’m none of those things but I’m definitely not swiping right now because you sound like an asshole

    4. Selfies. I can’t take a guy seriously if he has pouty selfies.

    5. Bad spelling

  10. >Clearly lying about age or pretending not to know how to change ones’ age. Some apps don’t allow you to update your age, but guess what – you can delete your account and re-create it with the correct info. Don’t lie.

    During my very brief time on dating apps, age was an issue for me. I look way younger than I am and so men thought I was using older pictures of myself, or heavy filters.

    I did an experiment once where I scaled my age down by 15 years, using current pictures. No issues at all. Super frustrating and another reason I don’t bother with apps. It’s hard enough getting men my own age to talk to me IRL because they think I’m a “kid”, but at least in person they can see there’s no filter, and my neotenous face is the problem. 😂😂😂

  11. Woman looking for a man:

    “Ask me anything” (rest is empty)

    “No drama”

    “I’m a Dom”

    Alcohol as a hobby

    “Be adventurous and kinky in the bedroom”

  12. F4M

    1. Pictures where I can’t tell who they are or don’t see them

    2. No bio or very basic bio (get to know me/just ask/etc)

    3. Promo for their socials. (Not to be confused with letting ppl know they use xyz sns)

    4. Only 1 pic

    5. The eyes. If you look crazy, I’m not going for it lol

  13. M 4 F

    1) Overly political

    2) Excessive tattoos

    3) Trying to be cute by writing about how shitty you are. Excessive “ bad girl” attitude. “Think you can handle me?” Probably not….

    4) Poly / open relationships

    5) Whole bio and pictures is bragging about travel.

  14. Women for Man:

    – tongue out/grimace photos
    – writing about what they don’t like in other people
    – “just ask”
    – only emoji’s
    – animal photos
    – photos with children
    – all the standard claims „just be happy“ and so on

  15. 1. Holding a fish photo
    2. Super old photos
    3. Photos are all with friends, especially if the friends are more attractive them then. Sometime I can’t even tell who’s account it is cause it’s all with friends.
    4. Alpha men bullshit in bio
    5. Shirtless pics auto left. I feel pressured to do something

  16. Men looking for women

    1. Bad eyebrows
    2. “Just ask”
    3. Those photoshopped Devil horns
    4. 2+ kids in their photos
    5. Mention of their love for Jesus

  17. Woman looking for a man:

    1. Very religious/archaic views

    2. “My kids are my whole world”- I’d assume you love them but makes me think it’s their entire personality

    3. Conservative- not compatible

    4. If most pics are rbf, fish, golf, guns, car

    5. If they look too fancy lol- like every pic is an instagram post posing and not one regularly dressed, casual pic

  18. Man looking for a woman
    1. Any sort of virtue signaling/anything political (either side)
    2. List of expectations or “my kids are my world”
    3. Obese
    4. Multiple group photos
    5. Lack of personality. The fact that you like “tacos and margaritas” isn’t unique

  19. Spelling mistakes and bad grammar.

    Pictures of their kids. Don’t expose your kids on a dating app FFS. Cover their faces with and emoji or something.

  20. Woman dating men here

    I’m going to agree with all of yours (a lot of men do that shit too 🙄), and add that any mention of being an “alpha male” is getting an automatic left swipe. In my experience, anyone who calls himself an “alpha male” is actually just a fucking asshole (“brutally honest” gets the same reaction). Also, dudes who put down that the were educated at “The School of Hard Knocks.” 🙄 You’re neither creative nor funny with that one. If you didn’t go to college, fine. Lots of people don’t, for lots of reasons. Just fucking leave it blank. 🤦‍♀️

  21. 1) “must be fluent in sarcasm” (irks me to no end, idk why lol)
    2) too political / religious
    3) brags about traveling to X number of countries
    4) “looking for a real man” what does that even mean?
    5) shows too much skin (I infer that said woman only has her body to offer and has no depth to her)

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