Im basically google with fucking legs i know a lot of things about a lot things and thats a result of not knowing something being irritated by it and learning all i can about it before moving onto the next thing. As a result people think I’m smart when I’m actually the intellectual equivalent of a man falling up the stairs. So my friend group comes to me for answers or advice on a lot of things. Now ill tell you right now if i were a rpg character my intelligencestat would be 50 but my wisdom stat would probably be around 15 its hit or miss and always cynical as shit. I genuinely worry my friends think way to highly of my advice, like they take my asvice and do what i say and it generally works out for em, but i fear the day i give a piece of advice so bad that I actually ruin their lives and instead of assuming the truth that i am an idiot which i always try to tell them. They’ll assume that i was just trying to sabotage them.

1 comment
  1. Dont give advice then. Advices can always backfire.
    You can verbalise some options to them with the possible arrange of consequences but you must make them understood, this is not an advice, you just consult with them, but the choice they make its theirs. The consequence they have to enjoy or suffer its theirs too.
    Dont give direct advices, ever. You have been lucky so far, nothing backfired yet, but you also feel the danger. The healthiest to never give direct advices.

    No – dude you should do this…

    Rather – dude if you do this, the possible consequence i see are these and these but not exclusively so you must think it through for yourself throughly. And if you do that, then these are the possible consequences. But its your decision. And there are consequences which i may not counting with and im unaware.

    Smart but not wise is allright. Wisdom may come with time or you can pay attention and try to develop wisdom. As you did a step forward to this with this post about your concern. So good luck. You are on the right path.

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