I wanted to know because I felt people kind of distanced from me after I found I am a non smoker and teetotaler.

  1. Only if you are a boring person.

    Like do you do activities? Do you like concerts? Museums? Vacations? Board games? Intellectual conversations? Movies? Playing video games together? Going to the beach?

    If you have nothing to do—-you will be boring. If all you do is drink and smoke, you’ll be boring.

    Exciting people live life.

  2. Assuming your younger? If a girl smokes it’s a definite no. Kissing someone who smokes is like kissing an ashtray. Everything you do is revolved around smoke breaks. she was like let’s watch a movie, but first lets have sex. However I need a cigarette first before sex. Like I’m going to have to kiss you after yuck!

  3. I think if you’re dating younger women who like to party it might be a turn off, but if you’re dating older more mature women (like 25-35) then as long as you aren’t a stick in the mud / don’t try to stop her from smoking/drinking then I don’t think it’s an issue

  4. I’m assuming you’re asking for yourself, just find someone who doesn’t smoke or drink if it’s such an issue. If you’re running into women who think you’re boring because you don’t smoke or drink find a different group of women. Simple

  5. not really? on the contrairy, a lot of women don’t like smokers / heavy drinkers.

    are you sure you’re not just …. boring as a person? maybe you are lacking a bit in the communication departement? or maybe you just follow the “work all day then go home to sleep” routine, without taking part in any recreational activities with others?

  6. Only if you’re boring. If you’re fun without drinking then you’re just fun and they don’t care.

  7. I don’t smoke, Most guys ask me if I want to “smoke and chill” that’s code for let me smoke you out and then we can fuck. I do drink, but that’s only on a night out. Night out being i’m going to shake ass in a club! I’m gonna wear a cute outfit and heels that hurt my feet and i’m gonna get drunk enough so that my feet don’t hurt. That’s not a every day thing or even a every week thing. That’s probably once every like 4 months sadly.

    Just because you don’t smoke or drink, it doesn’t make you any less fun, i’ve had fun just watching a movie and eating food with someone. It’s all about being able to have fun in any situation, whether you’re cuddled up on the couch watching a movie, or going to a club. Not everyone likes to indulge in drinking or smoking.

    And that’s okay, that shit ain’t fun anyway unless you’re actually doing something! otherwise you’re just drunk or high staring into space, in the middle of the day by yourself.

  8. I prefer someone who doesnt smoke. I drink occasionally so I usually look for someone else who does. It’s fine if he doesn’t but I find I’m judged by men for drinking occasionally.

  9. I much prefer them this way. Especially smoking as I can’t stand the smell. Also people who much get drunk every time they drink aren’t my thing. It’s ok if they occasionally drink or not at all.

  10. Those things do not determine your personality being boring nor fun. Secondly I’d 100% prefer it and see it as responsible and matching myself as I also don’t do either. Smoking would be a dealbreaker for me

  11. I prefer someone who has never smoked and has no dependency on alcohol. Seems hard to find these days!

  12. If you re not boring then drinking is no problem. Go to parties and events dont require drinking but just be social.

    Smoking is a turnoff

  13. It seems to depend on the woman.

    If those are your values, don’t compromise on them. Somebody who asks you to change your values is someone who doesn’t love YOU they love your potential. That’s an important distinction. Nor should you compromise on what you value in a partner.

    I’m also curious about what type of smoking you’re referring to here. If you’re talking about smoking pot or cigarettes, it won’t change my opinions above but I personally encountered many women who were very into pot smoking and made me feel in the minority for not touching the stuff.

  14. Keep in mind that you are asking reddit this question. Higher percentage of people here stay home and watch netflix and knit and whatnot. Although it is very possible to get some party people in here, they’re outnumbered by homebodies.

  15. Not at all. To me, smoking is absolutely disgusting and a deal breaker. and being a teetotaler is quite refreshing. I drink but rarely and socially. All other things being equal (and normal), not drinking or smoking is definitely not something I would hold against anyone.

  16. Teetotaler is attractive ,smoker is actually big no, ugly. People who consume nicotine tablets are also big ugly .

  17. Nope! My boyfriend doesn’t drink and he smokes (the weed for his anxiety) alone most of the time. I’m sober as alcohol makes me sick. We have a lot of fun sober and we’re both 23!

  18. No, not to me. I don’t drink or smoke and I don’t think I’d date someone who drinks hard liquor. Maybe like wine or something. No one who drinks often or smokes often. I date to marry though

  19. I’m in my mid thirties and it’s really really common for people to start dropping alcohol when they reevaluate what role it’s playing in their life.

    Many of my friends are now sober, and it doesn’t really impact what we do because we don’t let being drunk define the amount of fun we have. Even today, I went to a local dive bar with friends, some of whom were sober and some of whom had a drink or two.

    I still drink, but not heavily. Drinking is something I enjoy on a social level, but also on a culinary level. I don’t really drink to get drunk, but I do like the flavor of alcoholic drinks and pairing it with food.

    All I want from a guy is tolerance of the way I am. I don’t want someone who gets weird and awkward around me because I am drinking. I don’t like people who see me having one alcoholic beverage and immediately start assuming that I’m doing things because I’m drunk. And if I get buzzed, I don’t want them to be really affronted about it.

    All it takes is mutual respect.

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