What are/were some personal issues of yours that made you stop dating someone?

  1. I played a lot of video games and he didn’t play any at all, it was my own personal issue because I felt so strongly about video games that I needed to date someone who also played.

  2. Serial monogamist – I couldn’t be single, I had a compulsion to get back into a relationship. I’m nearly 30 and before this year the longest I’d spent single since I was *12 years old* was about six months.

    Broke up with my ex a year ago to actually work on being ok with being single and dealing with my fear of loneliness/unresolved childhood issues that caused my serial monogamy.

  3. I felt he was out of my league. It was nothing he did, only my own demons messing with my head

  4. She was super hot, bikini model, super nice, down to earth…. Buuuuuuut, she smelled. Like BAD. Had a funk to her that I couldn’t stomach. I dunno what the fuck it was. My best girlfriend told me to just tell her, but how the fuck do you tell a 24 year old model that she smells without being a complete asshole? So I did the reasonable thing, I ghosted her. 👌🏿

  5. I don’t think this is a personal issue as much as a personal dealbreaker. I need sexual chemistry in a relationship. I dated a very sweet, very smart, very attractive guy this past summer but the physical chemistry was just off. Even kissing felt wrong. I guess what they say about having compatible or incompatible internal biomes is true.

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