lust, gluttony, greed, sloth, wrath, envy, pride

  1. Sloth is the wasted potential of these – you had all the ability and pissed it away. To me, that’s the one that really hurts looking back. The things I regret are usually the things not done, and if I traded sitting on my ass for something that I would value – sucks man.

  2. On a large scale I would say greed. It is the major catalyst for a large portion of the world’s problems.

  3. It has to be wrath. Every one of those sins is terrible in its most extreme form, but wrath (taken to the extreme) leads to mass shootings and other horrific outcomes.

  4. Sloth is my big one. My job involves hiring entry level employees. Hiring folks who want to work up to team lead positions is a motivator in hiring. That said, we are fine taking anybody willing to work.

    Anyone with the other six sins, we can train them better. But someone who can’t even show up on time, nope. It requires no skill or talent just to be there on time. If you can’t do that, you are out.

  5. Greed is the one that I feel like has the most potential to have wide spread ripple effects at a large scale.

  6. It’s not exactly a pissing contest they can all lead to disastrous actions, which is why they regularly appear in faith as something that each can earn a person a ticket to Hell.

    A lot of people will probably say Greed is the worst of them all because first order thinking is easy. Most people want a lot of money or power, but not just for money or powers sake. They actually want to do something else with it, like buy an island and groom minors, take revenge on someone once held dear, to indulge in every hedonic pleasure they know etc. Sure, they accumulate a lot of resources but it’s not about those, its about what they can do with it. These are other sins that for their execution however required resources along the way.

  7. Gluttony ! it physically mentally and emotionally destroys you ! The Diabetes is real !

  8. How some of these are sins I have never understood but I’d say “Wrath”.

    Wrath is the only one that is like truly bad.

  9. Greed, since its actually part of a few of the other sins aswell(lust and gluttony mostly)

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