Hey all, so last night I was having sex with my partner and my penis made a popped/crack sound at the base, I immediately slow down and I didn’t lose an erection but felt off a bit after. Almost like I bent my penis a bit. Anyways, we finished and I had a slight ache, but super minor. I heard it’s common. I have had this before multiple times in the past but I’m a tad bit concerned. No swelling or bruising to my eye anyways.Any suggestions? Did I do any damage? I’m taking a break from sex with tm partner. going on might go get checked out. What should I be aware of if it got bad. I just have this lingering uncomfortable feeling about it but I’m not in serious pain.

Edit: saw a doctor, was told it’s a strain, no blood, no major pain today, no deformity, subsiding, no lumps, buldging, swelling.

Was told to be careful in certain sex positions and angles.

  1. It’s a fracture and you need to go see a doc immediately. You will be risking permanent damage, and yes, the pain is going to get worse.

  2. Get it checked. It’s already concerning that you have had this sound in the past as well. You may already have an existing injury that isn’t healing properly, or one that healed improperly previously. If you wait until you do have worse symptoms, it may be too late and you could have permanent issues.

  3. yes this happened to me. go to the doctor.

    keep an eye on it, if you start seeing curving you need to start traction therapy.

    look up Peyronie’s.

  4. I would say go to a urologist or see a specialist not a primary care doctor or go straight to the emergency department. It’s possible it won’t heal right and there is a short window to get medical treatment similar to breaking a bone that if it starts to heal wrong it’s no good. I’ve also heard surgery is quite commonly needed for this but it depends if you broke it or not and I am not sure based on your story if you did break it.

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