Im (F14) and hes (M15)

Well this wouldn’t be a problem if I loved them back but I don’t. They have very odd desires for things. They always insist and say they love me constantly. Its like every conversation I have with them they make sure I know. I usually would ignore it as a joke but knowing about the things they do and they way they say it and act tells me its a problem. I don’t have much knowledge on OLD so I was wondering if I should be worried because I can’t ignore or say something else and I’ve denied that they loved me multiple times because I thought it was nothing then but they said that they don’t care if its unrequited. That theyll just “sit here and keep it to themself”. Im scared that either I tell them I don’t love them and they get extremely mad and/or upset. Or that theyll actually not care and just still love me and act this way. Am I overreacting ? Or should I actually be worried? Thank you and sorry if this post isn’t allowed.

  1. Sounds like someone doesn’t understand the meaning of no. You’re not doing anything wrong, he’s the one who should figure out that forcing his feelings on anyone won’t change a thing except make them creepy af.

    My advice, make sure you’re in public with this person at all times, and loudly exclaim how inappropriate he is when he makes you uncomfortable. His disregard for your boundaries does not make it your negative reaction your fault in the least.

  2. Yeah, this extremely troubling behavior on his part. You need to cut off ALL contact with this person. Save screenshots of any concerning messages and keep a log of any attempts to contact you once you cut them off. Please also involve an adult you trust who will take it seriously. Hopefully he will just remain a nuisance until he eventually goes away, but this kind of behavior CAN escalate into something dangerous. Also, read the book The Gift of Fear by Gavin DeBecker. He’s done a LOT of research into stalking/dangerous behavior and the book gives a lot of really good information about what to look for and how best to handle it. I don’t want to freak you out, but you need to take this seriously.

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