I’m 23 F and I met this girl on a dating app,she 25F and when we first exchange number she came out to me that she was originally looking for a gf. And I told her I was just vibing. I ended up asking her if she wanted to meet and her idea for an initial meet up was the movies. We met up for the movies and conversation was arkward and was giving friend vibes immediately. We had a lot in common.

Now that time has gone on , I would have thought by now we can talk fluently about things but things are terribly arkward. I’m use to always clicking with people right off of dating apps. (And no I don’t mean hooking up) but for me and her how do two people have so much in common and nothing to talk about.
I use to get excited to want to talk to her but now I’m growing frustrated at the disconnect I feel between us when we conversate.

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