My (29F) husband (29M) had a vasectomy a year ago, after we had our second child. Ever since then I’ve noticed I get itchy after sex and sometimes on to the next day. It’s not necessarily a deep internal itch, mostly a vulva type itching. I never had this problem before. Ive never had BV. I don’t get yeast infections (except for when I’m pregnant). I can’t think of any changes aside from his vasectomy and possibly poor diet on his side. He also started adderall for his adhd around this time as well. That could contribute to it? I’ve always gone to the bathroom before and after sex. I clean myself well. Chances of him having stepped out on our marriage sexually are very slim due to our schedule.

Has anyone had sudden changes in their reaction to their long term sexual partners sperm (with or workout vasectomy)?

  1. There isn’t any more sperm, and I can’t imagine the lack of sperm is causing it.

    The semen should be unchanged.

    Perhaps he’s using a different soap? Or maybe something on his face which contacts your vulva during oral?

    My wife has not noticed any changes since vasectomy 30+ years ago.

  2. have either of you talked to medical professionals? I’m really curious about what they say.

    but also check out and ask /r/vasectomy

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