As an Englishman is was expecting a win. Not an easy one but a win to say the least.

  1. Going in a draw was the best I was hoping for but having watched the game I’m kinda sad we didn’t win, I thought the USMNT played better for big stretches of the game.

  2. I expected a boring game that England won easily. Instead we got a boring tie.

    Reminder: so far 25% of this year’s World Cup matches have ended in a 0-0 tie.

  3. I’m reasonably happy with the tie. At least our fate is in our own hands against Iran, no needing to rely on the right outcome in England-Wales.

  4. The USA looked fitter and had great possession but mediocre attack. The English looked like hungover and worn-out sailers

  5. Hoping for a win because I know the English went in very cocky and I so badly wanted to stuff that arrogance where the sun don’t shine. Oh well, I think even getting a draw is a massive disappointment for a world top 5 team lol

  6. It was my first time watching soccer ever! I’m not sports fan at all. I was expecting it to be boring, honestly, but it was fun even though it was a draw. So much of our sports over here seem very dragged out whereas this was very quick and suspenseful.

    I was thinking the US was going to sorely lose simply because we don’t place large emphasis on soccer here.

    I don’t have the means to watch it freely so I was watching it on FoxTV until the trial expired, and then scrambled and used a VPN on a UK IP to switch to watching it on iTV (err something like that). It was super amusing to swap from hearing American announcers bellowing loudly and hurriedly as they narrated the game to British announcers giving (to my ears) rather calm commentary haha.

    I still don’t understand the game much but it drew me in! Comments from y’all in England sound really bummed or disappointed in your team… while I don’t know anything about the game at all, I thought you all played really well!

  7. Going into it, I was hoping to pull out a draw. I ended up being a little disappointed we couldn’t put any chances away, and thought we had a good chance to win it throughout most of the game.

  8. A good display. Got it.

    Our Wales draw felt like a loss, this felt like a win. Would be nice to not have to beat Iran to get in, but at least we control our own destiny.

  9. No expectations. Was hoping for the US to have an upset, glad we didn’t lose. This is the only soccer I watch every four years.

  10. It was my overall opinion of soccer. A lot of anticipation and build up at points with no payoff. I like to see scoring when I watch any type of sport so soccer gets a bit frustrating.

  11. Was expecting a loss and for the jokes I’ll take winning 0-0

    On a serious note, this means we have to beat Iran on Tuesday and I really hope Pulisic hitting crossbar doesn’t come back to haunt us.

  12. It was actually exactly what I was thinking it would be. I did expect England to dominate and control the ball a bit more. That is the only real difference in what I was expecting. I feel it was more 50/50 and we looked really good until the final 1/3. I honestly thought this was a matchup ripe for an upset in our favor.

    I really wanted some of our subs to come in earlier. Not putting Yedlin out there seemed strange to me, he looked pretty good against Wales and had some nice crosses into the box. Reyna and Sargent probably should have come on a lot earlier.

  13. I thought we had a solid chance because England was going to under-estimate us and not be prepared.

  14. We had great defense, without the ability to capitalize on opportunities to score. I wonder if this is what it feels like to be a Bears fan. 🤔

  15. I didn’t watch the game, but the score confirms almost every stereotype about soccer. A 0-0 tie with a lot of people excited about *almost* scoring

  16. I was expecting a win by England, but hoping for a tie. Going into it, I never thought it would be scoreless or that we could win (though by midway through the second half, I felt that if someone scored that would be it and we could win).

  17. I knew we had a chance of winning if USMNT played their best game, but if I had to bet money on the outcome my money would have been on England.

    So I guess I was happy with the outcome although of course I would have been VERY happy with a win.

    I was waaaay more emotionally invested in my 10 year old son’s soccer team coming in second in their last tournament, which was a surprise upset as we are a small city always playing against teams from much larger cities with 10x more kids to choose from.

  18. I’m getting back into the game gradually after not watching for years… I don’t know anyone on either team anymore, lol. But I like to see the US as kind of a troll team, so the fact that England couldn’t score on us feels like a win to me.

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