How quickly do you ask a girl out after meeting on an app?

  1. i normally dont talk to people on dating apps

    i just enjoy collecting profiles like pokemon

  2. With dating apps I wouldn’t waste time building a friendship or trying to know her better through text. I’d ask her out within 12 messages. Ask her her number early and make things happen. Use dates to learn more about her personality.

  3. Frim what ai learnt. If it takes longer than day or two to set up date on dating app than its not worth the bother. If she were really interested she would go for it. If she waits for someone else response or whatever first than you dont want that relationship amyway

  4. Within 3 days or unmatch and move on. Don’t linger. You can’t get to know someone without meeting them.

  5. Depends how fast we moved in the messages. I asked my current girlfriend out after just a few hours because my blunt approach about something she said in her profile. I gave off mature, dignified and respectful vibes she liked and she too wanted to skip the small talk.

  6. If you don’t have a flowing conversation I’d say never. But if you do probably within a day or so

  7. On the first day. I don’t need to read her autobiography if I’m just after a quick fuck.

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