So i(20m) am going on my fourth date tomorrow with this girl(21f) that I met on bumble. Our last date was actually on Sunday and we went mini golfing, had dinner at this Korean BBQ place and then just parked at a view and talked the rest of the night. Wasn’t my plan, but we ended up spending basically the entire day together, like 8 hours. Only reason we realized it was midnight was cause we both were in my car and just laying down talking to eachother and she started like getting sleepy, so I checked the time and we realized we had to go. It was honestly a really nice date

So she had this idea that we have a movie date at her house, meeting up at 4, and we both are picking 2 movies to watch(i think she chose the truman show and charade, im still trying to decide) im getting pizza, and she’s getting the snacks. I asked what I should bring, she told me just to bring comfortable clothes, she’s jsut gonna be in her sweats and stuff, and to be prepared since her bed is a little small, so we’ll be squished, but other than that, yeah, just be in something comfortable and the pizza.

So I just want advice cause, well for starters, this is the first time I’ve made it to the 4th date with someone. Also, we haven’t kissed yet, I’ve actually never had my first kiss, and she just found that out on Sunday, she told me she had 1 bf back in freshmen year but since then she only ever focused on school, so like yeah, shes got some experience.

and like all my friends who I told about the date since they’re always asking me how it’s going since it’s like the first girl I’ve actually made it past 1 date. So they kinda freaked me out and put these thoughts in my head and now I’m just trying to get mentally prepared. So yeah, I just want any advice or tips for it. Like how should I prepare? Or jsut anything tbh, I don’t wanna go in jsut freaking out haha

Update: WE MADE OUT, went to her place like at 4pm, currently 6 am and just made it back home, TOP TIER NIGHT YEAHHHHH

  1. Ẹnjoy the date. Maybe see if she want to cuddle during the movie, and just small gentle touch to see if she is comfortable. If she is, she might make her move or you will. (I assume she is fine with cuddle since you say her bed is small and yall will be squish…but ask her first in case mu assumption is wrong)

  2. All sounds super sweet and natural between you both! Don’t keep those expectations your friends have in your mind because are not yours!!

    Regarding to kisses… Maybe you can simply ask at some point… “You are so cute/beautiful can I kiss you?”

    If you wanna cuddle, ask for it, I’m sure it’s gonna be a very cool date.

  3. I don’t think you even need to feel pressure here based on the progression of your dates. They have been activity-based, platonic dates. You are building a connection, which is the healthiest way to date. Kissing happens when you are ready. She knows it’s going to be your first kiss, in this situation I would let her kiss you. If she is interested, she will eventually do it. Try cuddling as you watch the movie. If kissing doesn’t happen, that’s okay. It’s still a date, it’s still you and her spending time together, and this 4th date will be a cozy, intimate one sharing a small bed. I’m sure it will go great.

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