Do you sleep with your hair up or down? Why or why not?

  1. I usually sleep with my hair down but now that it’s getting longer I’ve been sleeping with it up.

  2. Pineapple if im making my blowout/twist out last, down in bonnet when I’m lazy, and 4 braids in bonnet when I have my act together

  3. I sleep with my hair down but in a bonnet because it’s so damn fine and will break off lol

  4. Down, I have sensory issues and something about it up when I’m sleeping bothers me and feels weird

  5. I tie my hair in a loose ponytail to keep hair away from my face while sleeping. I sleep on my side rather than on my back so it’s no problem.

  6. I’ve had short hair for most of my teen/adult life and I’ve never had to put it up before. Now that it’s long, I try to braid it first to subdue breakage, but I’m still so bad at braiding my hair that I pull out so many strands in the process.

    Help lol

  7. Up. I have a very oily scalp + fine hair. This makes my hair greasy when I sleep. When I was a teen, if I would sleep with my hair down I’d break out on my beck and back. Hair up? Stopped happening.

  8. hair up gives me pony hair and hair down gets in my face🥲 but since i love my sleep so much usually hair up

  9. I have long hair. Previously down. Now up in a silk scrunchie because my husband rolled on it once while we were asleep, never again.

  10. up. I toss and turn and my hair will wrap around my head and neck and make me feel claustrophobic. unless it is just washed then i just fan it out on the pillow behind me and it seems to not bother me

  11. Depends on my mood and the amount of energy I want to put into it. Usually up in a little bun, sometimes a couple of braids if I’ve washed my hair AND managed to mostly dry my hair…then I ask my mum if she can braid my hair (most I can do is a plait or pair of plaits when it is longer), or if zero energy and motivation, I’ll go to sleep with it down and scare my family when I wake up.

  12. Usually open. I let it hang off the top of my bed. I have a sensitive scalp that often hurt if I put my hair up, so that’s why I don’t want to put it up more than necessary.

  13. I sleep with it down because when i sleep with it up its uncomfortable but when i just washed my hair and combed through it to keep it from forming knots when i go to sleep i will put it in two braids.

  14. Pineapple as my hair is curly. If I don’t I wake to it being 10 x the size. It becomes a huge frizzy mess!

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