How to remember to take out clothes from washing machine?

  1. Leave the washing basket in a really prominent place where you will keep on tripping over it.

  2. My washing machine sings a little ditty when it is complete, so I just try to make sure I get up and go move the laundry as soon as I hear it.

  3. Maybe set an alarm? I can usually hear when mine finishes, so I just do it when it gets quiet. When I used to take them to the laundromat, it had an app that messaged me when it was about 5 minutes from being finished which was helpful.

  4. The time that I was washing my new duvet cover and stupidly left it sitting, wet, inside the washer long enough for it to grow mildew, was good enough for me. I do still usually leave the last load of the week sitting in the dryer until next week, but I’ll never leave anything in the washer very long.

  5. I’m quite forgettable and easily lose track of time when I’m reading, going on walks, gaming or simply daydreaming, so I set an alarm with the name of the task to remind me of these things just in case; taking out clothes from the washing machine, taking food out of the oven, making phone calls, picking up an important item or letter before I leave my apartment and so on.

  6. I usually try and do a task that takes the same amount of time as the wash and take out clothes after I finish that.

  7. Put a note on the fridge. I’m always getting something to drink, so I’d definitely see it before the clothes turned sour.

  8. My washer is directly outside my bedroom. I know it’s not an option for everyone, but it works for me.

  9. I have fixed days when I do laundry, so getting laundry out if the machine and hanging it up is part of my routine. Additionally I use a to-do list app, which I open plenty of times a day.

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